Yes it's not easy, sometimes you can read a waffenamt proof stamp which reads WaA721. All we know about the rbnr is that it's located in Bohmen, we also know that number 0008 is a lederfabrik held by some brothers named Vitousek and located in Hohenbruck. 11 is yet to be found and to this day it remains unknown.
I like to think that this type of leather was used for shoe ornaments as the Vitousek brothers were shoe makers from what I was able to read on different forums.
G43 pouches were made like this, cz27 holsters, 98k pouches and some scarcer pp holsters rumor has it.
Now the big question is, is 0011 = RME? Most likely yes! Why? Because 0008 is Vitousek and RME isn't a 3 digits code but initials of a maker. But it could also be another majer in that area, no one will ever know I'm afraid.
Anyway, there does not seem to be a lot of these pouches around... I think they are very interesting for anyone who likes 98k accessories and who enjoys late war German equipment.