Tim Hawkins
In the event you can not open the above link or see the pictures, then go to Jan Still's site at luger.gunboards.com and scroll down to Third Reich Lugers - 1933-45 Holsters and Accessories and you can read the article there. You may have to register on that site to see the pictures. What you will find are photos and the story as to how and where this parts kit was found and what it contains. It is a company size kit containing parts for the 98K, luger, bayonet, sling and muzzle cover. The majority of the parts are for the 98K. The kit is dated 1938 and may be Luftwaffe. I rarely see armorer's kits and this is the smallest I've seen yet.
Tim Hawkins
In the event you can not open the above link or see the pictures, then go to Jan Still's site at luger.gunboards.com and scroll down to Third Reich Lugers - 1933-45 Holsters and Accessories and you can read the article there. You may have to register on that site to see the pictures. What you will find are photos and the story as to how and where this parts kit was found and what it contains. It is a company size kit containing parts for the 98K, luger, bayonet, sling and muzzle cover. The majority of the parts are for the 98K. The kit is dated 1938 and may be Luftwaffe. I rarely see armorer's kits and this is the smallest I've seen yet.
Tim Hawkins