Third Party Press

660 1940 K98K is serial number outside of known range?

That was a longtime ago, the reference refers even further back, - for a thorough discussion of barrel coding buy one of the books the forums advertises on the banner ad at the top of every page. All books should have a detailed section on barrel coding, the latest V.I has the most up to date version.

The rifle is authentic, imo, but the proofs and some of the acceptance has been scrubbed, the BC fits in with the rifles production frame.

That was a longtime ago, the reference refers even further back, - for a thorough discussion of barrel coding buy one of the books the forums advertises on the banner ad at the top of every page. All books should have a detailed section on barrel coding, the latest V.I has the most up to date version.

The rifle is authentic, imo, but the proofs and some of the acceptance has been scrubbed, the BC fits in with the rifles production frame.

I am thinking the same thing just can't figure why they would scrub the receiver and nothing else. Is it possible they just didn't stamp it for some reason? I am also curious is it worth the $600 including tax and transfer I paid
People pay a lot more for a lot less, - rc shooters for example... at least yours has some collector value, an rc has none imo, so you are miles ahead of them.

To be honest, I am not sure where this rifle would stand on value, the pictures are not good enough to be sure on some things, but I really doubt this rifle never had acceptance and FP's, for one it is against German law, all rifles required proofing (even the "supermen" followed proof laws), - and even though anything is possible, things like this are not very likely.

I honestly don't know how I could get better pics. Unless you mean you want pics from further out. I turned off the lights and used light of the sun coming in the building. Overall I am happy with the rifle and I am on my way to knowing what to look for in the future. I knew the bolt didn't match when I bought it and that the other numbers did. Didn't know if they were legit but now I think I can say they are. I didn't realize there was supposed to be the 4 proof marks on the right of the receiver but for next time I do. If you can let me know exactly what pics would help I will try and post them. If not no worries. You all have been very helpful in my first Mauser purchase. I have also purchased a Peruvian Mauser made by FN in .30-06. During the week I will post some pics and hopefully get an education on that rifle as well. I think they both look and feel great. Haven't fired either yet, but I plan on firing both next weekend
you need diffused light, like on a bright partly cloudy day when the shadows are not visible as a cloud moves in front of the sun. Close ups should use the macro setting on the camera. Make sure the focus is on the rifle and not the carpet.

Military Rifle Journal