'44 BYF on the '"boards"


Well-known member
Browsing GBs and came across a listing for a 'matching' BYF 44. For my own learning curve, what do folks think of the bolt number posted. Looks suspect to my eye.


  • wRTjgj8.jpeg
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Seller is a serial flipping scumbag, items might be good, but look carefully and understand the person is shady as heck...

Also loves to do the "I'm a new collector looking for my first (fill in blank) can you work with me?" Trying to get it cheaper, then flips it...
Bought a "all matching ac41" p38 from this seller recently, he failed to mention the postwar p1 magazine all together.

EDIT: its been brought to my attention a picture of the postwar mag was shown in the photo album. I however didn't see it. Otherwise I am pleased with the pistol.
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Seller is a serial flipping scumbag, items might be good, but look carefully and understand the person is shady as heck...

Also loves to do the "I'm a new collector looking for my first (fill in blank) can you work with me?" Trying to get it cheaper, then flips it...
Agreed - did you see the Ithaca World War II 1911 slide that a GBoards member sold for $250 and a dealer snatched it up right away? That just really gives you the warm and fuzzies knowing that it's just going to be turned around and be 200 bucks in his pocket when he flips it for 450. I wish there was a way to keep dealers out of the classifieds. I browse the classifieds on purpose to AVOID dealers. :-(
As far as I can tell he wasn’t a “dealer” until recently. Started a website called Surplus Defense where he flips his stuff apparently with an FFL now. Probably only a matter of time before the username changes. And when enough people begin to notice his photo style (backyard wooden pedestal by his fence) he’ll probably change that too.
As far as I can tell he wasn’t a “dealer” until recently. Started a website called Surplus Defense where he flips his stuff apparently with an FFL now. Probably only a matter of time before the username changes. And when enough people begin to notice his photo style (backyard wooden pedestal by his fence) he’ll probably change that too.
He's been lurking around buying and flipping since like 2020, I think thats when that turd floated up here...
True, I remember when he sold that bent bayonet a few years back.
Something about him always reminded me of pgaplayerless, the dude with "the sniper so rare it might spark controversy" that he pimped around various boards, got caught in his humpery, and sold it for pretty big bucks...that was a doozy!

He disappeared about the same time TheDanishDouche appeared...same kind of carnival barking huckster style...
I own a later Type 38 rifle that I bought from the Danish man years ago, he actually gave me a great deal on it, like 500 or so. Thing is just gorgeous, matched too. Maybe it was a lack of interest in Japanese guns at the time but I take great satisfaction in actually getting something for a deal from that guy lol. He’d have it up for 1k now
What a joke. Guy wants $3000 for a common code byf44 with a sanded stock? Some dealers are stupid.

Opinion on the seller aside, what are the indications this stock was sanded ? Just the lighter tone ? I don’t see any edges softened, like in a sanded stock? Also , what would a common code byf44 run , to be fair ?
Something about him always reminded me of pgaplayerless, the dude with "the sniper so rare it might spark controversy" that he pimped around various boards, got caught in his humpery, and sold it for pretty big bucks...that was a doozy!

He disappeared about the same time TheDanishDouche appeared...same kind of carnival barking huckster style...

Was that the guy who in South Carolina?