37 Sauer


Potential Future Early War Armchair Internet Expe
Well I just bought this 1937 Sauer and Sohns. All matching except for the front band and the stock has been sanded, no WaAs but you can still see the serial number and it does match the rifle. Everything else is a match, screws, firing pin, handguard, extractor, band spring etc, everything else matches. The bore is like a mirror too.The front band's patina matches the rifle, looks like it's been on there quite a while but that WaA 655 ain't working. Should I find a WaA 214 band whose bluing has aged with a similar patina even though the serial number will be different or leave it alone?















band in question
Should I find a WaA 214 band whose bluing has aged with a similar patina even though the serial number will be different or leave it alone?

Is the front band numbered? I assume so, but in any case leave it be. It matches the rifle in condition, and replacing it with another band will not improve it in anyway and there is no way to know when it was replaced.
Early guns from any marker are hard to find. That looks like a nice one even with the issues you have noted. :thumbsup:
Yup I just went through my junk drawer and there isn't anything in it, Mauser or whatever that comes close to the patina, everything on this rifle has a hint of plum in it. Any other band would look odd. I'll stick with the 655.
PLEASE don't leave it in that foam case for any length of time. I found out the hard way that the foam causes rust almost instantly! I had a mini 14 and my enfield leaning on a foam barrel holder in my safe and everywhere it was touching grew rust.
I have a pristine S&W Model 15 with a 2" barrel that's been in a foam case for a while and it still looks new. Anyone else heard of this?
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I was horrified when I took my guns out of the safe, and googled it...seems to be a pretty common issue.
It depends on the humidity of the air where you store your firearms, higher humidity= more rust. In humid areas the foam keeps the moisture that collects in the foam against the metal.
