337 1940 Spandau Rework


Young Mike
Purchased this from a good friend recently. It is a Spandau rework with SU27 on the wrist & SU19 on the side of the stock. Looks like the bolt stop, cocking piece, and barrel were depot replaced.

Along with that the rifle looks to have potentially reblued & stock numbers re-hit at the depot level. The metal is near perfect but the stock looks to have had some wear and taken a hit on the side.

Another couple things of note are the depot pairing number of ‘31’ on the receiver, TG, and stock internal. Along with that a depot applied ‘4’ on the right hand side of the receiver that I have seen on a couple other Spandau rifles.

I think this might be some of the most diverse marking types and fonts I've seen. Even the code on that replacement barrel is something I've never seen. Like biggy said, you sure have some diverse pieces. Thanks for sharing this!
Love it! Super nice rifle. Hopefully i'll have a Danzig an Spandau reworks/builds one day. My Posen is lonely 🤣