1937 Sauer from the Grey Blanket?

I think a member may have bought this. If so I hope you'll consider posting it. It was discussed on Dave's site recently.


Hey Heavy-mech,

I picked it up, have been looking for a pre-war Sauer for a while to add and this one seemed to stay reasonable. Couple of issues as D-K identified on Dave's site but I didn't think any a deal breaker where it hammered. I'll try to get some better pictures up once I have in hand.

Thanks, Nick
Looks like a nice combat carried piece and the price was good for an early piece :happy0180:
Looks like a nice combat carried piece and the price was good for an early piece :happy0180:

I agree. I'm also glad to see a member here got it. Based on what DK and some others had to say I honestly expected it to go higher. They don't come along too often without major issues as was pointed out. Can't wait to see some pics. You CAN get a deal from the blanket every once in a while. :thumbsup:
I agree. I'm also glad to see a member here got it. Based on what DK and some others had to say I honestly expected it to go higher. They don't come along too often without major issues as was pointed out. Can't wait to see some pics. You CAN get a deal from the blanket every once in a while. :thumbsup:

Thanks guys, I was a bit surprised where it ended, I figured it was headed closer to $2K. Although not rare a 1937 Sauer is not common either and this one is 99% matching with no stock issues so I was pleased. Will see once I have in hand and can give it a proper inspection, I've read the early Sauer typically show a lot of bluing loss on the bands and floorplates, something in the process they were using wasn't taking properly I think?? Will be nice to have an early gun in walnut!

In searching old posts for other S/147 1937 pictures to compare I could only find 5 posted, almost all had mismatch parts (some more than others) and a couple were sanded stocks.

Heavy, that's a DEAL! I haven't seen a matching '37 by any manufacturer that was believable at even the biggest shows in years.
I have an M block 37 Sauer that's the front band short of matching. Beautiful original striped stock that unfortunately got sanded. What pictures you need?

37 Sauer receiver.jpg37 Sauer top.jpg1937 K98k bb stock.jpg
I was watching that one, but didn't have the guts since I just bought my 1935 Brazilian Short from the grey blanket and it was all legit and at a good price. Figured the odds of getting 2 legit Mausers at a good price so close together from the grey blanket were not on my side. He sells far too many humped items. I don't believe it is intentional. I think he doesn't spend enough time properly vetting what he sells. Good news is his return policy is excellent. Hopefully it turns out to be correct Nick. If so congrats.

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