I know nothing about these so my question is asked out of ignorance, but doesn’t the notch on the receiver indicate this was originally an artillery model? Must be a new barrel?
To add, Erfurt only manufactured artillery (LP08) lugers in 1914.Erfurt cut all of their receivers with the notch starting in 1917 per a directive from the Prussian government. Almost all Erfurt 1917 P08s and all 1918s will have the cut.
DWM, as a private company, was not obligated to follow the directive and didn't. Only DWM LP08s are cut.
Review the stickies in this forum. We have a pretty good handle on these (for the most part).From my experience in Lugers (which is limited), but aren't most of the DH/Totenkompf lugers considered fake? Or at least a very HIGH likely hood of being a fake?
The 1917 looks great, but, I'd just worry if it's worth touching just due to the chance of a fake being apparent.
i am very excited as well. Would like to see these guns become an accepted, canonized variation.Review the stickies in this forum. We have a pretty good handle on these (for the most part).
At some point, I will finish my write up on these...