1916 Mauser GEW 98m

Thanks Jory, excellent photo's and the bolt body looks the factory bolt, but the safety suggests later work than I originally thought as e/77 with placement suggests SDP supplied**

** while e/77 is also known for ERMA part of 1937-1938, they tend to center the waffenamt, while SDP used this waffenamt placement in 1941 minimally. To trend this feature well is impossible as in trends for SDP safety waffenamt is meager to say the least, - of 20 SDP with matching bolts I doubt one in 20 show the safety waffeanmt placement, though what are seen are like this. Some might suggest ERMA is a large supplier to the ordnance system, far moreso than SDP, but this only partially true, both were big barrel suppliers to others and ERMA was bigger but more specifically... besides this waffenamt placement is only known for SDP, but eitherway waffenamt e/77 is in either case 1937 or later at earliest and probably early 1941... though it is hard to date overall work by a safety alone!

Just ruminating (like a sheep or cow I chew my cud about small indigestible bits...!)