1906 WMO


This may not have much collector value but I find it interesting. It's been through a depot (or several) in its day. It appears to be made from three guns. The barrelled action, all the bands, and the trigger group are from one gun, the stock and nuttplate from another and the bolt from yet another. The stock number 8023 has been over stamped to match the action. You can make out both numbers of you study it. Hopefully you'll be able to make out the depot numbers stamped on the buttplate. If not I'll post them. The stock has original finish. The light spots you see were made with a mill bastard file, not sand paper. Quite a bit of wood was removed by the rear swivel mout. They must have been removing rough spots or splinters. I'm convinced this was depot work.
It is what it is, I hope you all enjoy!

I might add, there are several other letters and numbers stamped on the left side of the buttstock and on the bottom of the forearm.


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Looks good to me. I see a trip through Danzig ("D") and Küstrin ("2"). The markings on the left side of the stock could also be "3" (Spandau) and an armorer's initial, but the rework markings on the wood are much less common and not as well understood. I've got 3-4 like it.

Neat rework Mike!
I like it. It's just a good old combat war horse. I did notice the stock disk was blank, and with no imperial proofs. It's very likely that disk could have unit markings underneath it. Most likely flipped over at a depot facility. I have checked a couple of mine that were blank but it's a very careful procedure to do it.
I like it. It's just a good old combat war horse. I did notice the stock disk was blank, and with no imperial proofs. It's very likely that disk could have unit markings underneath it.
There's a decent chance of it anyway, I've had pretty good luck with flipping disks over the years. Two Jäger markings, a Garde zu Fuß and several infantry regiments under blank disks..never a guarantee but I tend to do it if I can..

To the OP, It's not for the faint of heart though and certainly sometimes it's better to just keep the mystery!
This one has definitely been through it but is in quite nice shape overall! Depot guns are always neat to see as if it warranted a trip to a depot, it most likely saw some serious service or combat and tells a story much better than something that sat on a rack its whole life. Thanks for sharing this one!