1899 Spandau Gewehr 98m 7432 part 2


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This is a part 2 to the concluded auction I won back in May or June. Got this for 1,150 plus typical costs. If anyone knows what kind of rear barrel band spring and recommended duffle cut repairer guy they'd recommend to fix it I'd appreciate it.


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Pics part 2


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Final pics.


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Great rifle with a long history!

They used a modified rear bad spring on 98m with the wider band. The thinness of the regular Gew 98 band was problematic and led to a lot of issues with band slippage. They corrected this by widening the band.

If you are patient you could likely find a shorter band spring. Otherwise, buy a repro and modify it using a file..
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Great rifle with a long history!

They used a modified rear bad spring on 98m with the wider band. The thinness of the regular Gew 98 band was problematic and led to a lot of issues with band slippage. They corrected this by widening the band.

If you are patient you could likely find a shorter band spring. Otherwise, buy a repro and modify it using a file..
I planned on getting a repro one, although I also wanna get the "glue joint" solid with actual wood, acraglass and steel dowels to join the forend and the stock together. Also need to get the cross bolt seated correctly cause it's sitting "proud" atm. I honestly am not sure what rear band spring I need, figured some of the NOS bands that look correct were gonna be it.
Great rifle with a long history!

They used a modified rear bad spring on 98m with the wider band. The thinness of the regular Gew 98 band was problematic and led to a lot of issues with band slippage. They corrected this by widening the band.

If you are patient you could likely find a shorter band spring. Otherwise, buy a repro and modify it using a file
I will mention I can't make out what depot marks this rifle got. I can make out either a "5" or "6" so Ig spandau got this rifle in the 1930's for the rework upgrades
Well by the barrel alone it is late 1935 at the earliest, the stock looks originally WMO15 ish but i would have to review trends to be sure. Naturally this means (the barrel alone) show this is something from the middle rearmament phase (which funding occurred b4 Hitlers rise - actually Hitler only accelerated what began in 1929-1930, though he slammed on the accelerator.
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Well by the barrel alone it is late 1935 at the earliest, the stock looks originally WMO15 ish but i would have to review trends to be sure. Naturally this means (the barrel alone) show this is something from the middle rearmament phase (which funding occurred b4 Hitlers rise - actually Hitler only accelerated what began in 1929-1930, though he slammed on the accelerator.
Very nice, as too the barrel yep it most certainly is a depot barrel with the G and "0'2" marking. I'm really happy with this piece! Although I need to take the action out of the stock for anymore markings I missed, gonna do that today. Trigger if I recall is miss matched.
Pretty gun. I've bee wanting to find an antique G98, but they seem incredibly hard to find. Even if it is a rebuild/depot overtime. Great snag!
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That’s a nice 98m……. I will pm you a good contact for fixing a duffel cut. He is reasonable too and has fixed several for me…
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Pretty gun. I've bee wanting to find an antique G98, but they seem incredibly hard to find. Even if it is a rebuild/depot overtime. Great snag!
The best one I've seen recently sold on GB, it was a polish Gewehr 98 that got reworked by the Germans into a Gewehr 98m and last I seen when it sold thru lock,stock n barrel it was 1550 or so but that wasn't hammer price I think. Was hoping a forum got it but the one guy who I thought woulda snagged it didn't so it may disappear into the depths of a private collection and not be seen for decades too come sadly :( at least it's know it is out there.
That is probably the nicest 98m I've ever seen.

Sweet rifle!
Thanks man :) there was a local guy in Skiatook selling off his collection some years ago (before a 3 letter agency stop by his house and said hello, now he just does parts) and he had a gorgeous 1917 or 1918 Amberg Gewehr 98m. I meant to grab it when I saw him again but he had gone to a Kansas City gun show and it sold there. Was a beautiful red colored stock, matching and in very good condition. Hopefully that Amberg will pop up again one day and I can add it to this Spandau side 😁 the stock finish contrasts would be gorgeous!

Random side note but I just realized this receiver serial number has no letter block so ig this was 7432 made example from Spandau. Bumped up the cool factor for me again on this ol gal.
1899 was the first year of production for the G98 at Spandau, your rifle is quite late, near the end "dated" 1899. That said Spandau really became prolific in1900, and some carry over (finishing) lingered into 1900. Still maker-date wise this is a rare receiver combination.

40 – C/G C/O C/W C/D
418 – (report)
519 – C/O/C/RC C/W/t C/W (re-barrel)
2191 – (report-Craig Brown)
2367 – C/P C/W C/W
4175 – C/O C/W C/W?
4395 – (report)
4746 – (report)
5594 – C/O/crown C/W/c/t C/H (BC- B.I. 221 / C/W x3 FP)
7885 – C/U C/O C/H C/H

In 1900 Spandau was a heavy producer, trends data is incomplete for 1900, mostly because there are so many reports to trend and I gave up creating trend sheets 4-5 years ago, but 1900 reliably extend through the d-block with some consistency, - some weirdo variations (salvaging of receivers to fraudulent copies from eGun -Germany's gunbroker) through g-k blocks that are not supported by characteristics or are dubious reports (three KS at the a$$ end of 1900 ranges, one CB reported, another Jeff Noll, but they are far from 'normal ranges' for 1900 and I do not have more than brief serial-unit reports

We really have a gap in solid trends data after the d-block (1900). I think they are mostly misreports (suffix, typos or salvages etc..) or at least lacks a solid basis with what can be confirmed.
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1899 was the first year of production for the G98 at Spandau, your rifle is quite late, near the end "dated" 1899. That said Spandau really became prolific in1900, and some carry over (finishing) lingered into 1900. Still maker-date wise this is a rare receiver combination.

40 – C/G C/O C/W C/D
418 – (report)
519 – C/O/C/RC C/W/t C/W (re-barrel)
2191 – (report-Craig Brown)
2367 – C/P C/W C/W
4175 – C/O C/W C/W?
4395 – (report)
4746 – (report)
5594 – C/O/crown C/W/c/t C/H (BC- B.I. 221 / C/W x3 FP)
7885 – C/U C/O C/H C/H

In 1900 Spandau was a heavy producer, trends data is incomplete for 1900, mostly because there are so many reports to trend and I gave up creating trend sheets 4-5 years ago, but 1900 reliably extend through the d-block with some consistency, - some weirdo variations (salvaging of receivers to fraudulent copies from eGun -Germany's gunbroker) through g-k blocks that are not supported by characteristics or are dubious reports (three KS at the a$$ end of 1900 ranges, one CB reported, another Jeff Noll, but they are far from 'normal ranges' for 1900 and I do not have more than brief serial-unit reports

We really have a gap in solid trends data after the d-block (1900). I think they are mostly misreports (suffix, typos or salvages etc..) or at least lacks a solid basis with what can be confirmed.
Very interesting! From your data mine is second to last reported/logged and 11th example known neato!! 😄 I can recall seeing maybe one 1899 example I coulda grabbed but that was some years ago. I gotta quit letting money burn a hole in my pocket so I can get this ol lady to fixed up. Thank you for the reply Loewe :) I appreciate it alot.
Thanks for sharing! I simply like those 98Ms. esp. when they got a new long barrel in the 30ies!
Not a problem, I like'em alot myself since there is a higher chance with the newer barrel on it, it won't be shot out. This example the bore is very nice probably a 8.5 too 9.5 so it didn't see much if anything at all during WW2.