Third Party Press

1890 Loewe Berlin Gew88

When there is no serial on barell, so this should be a replacement barell. 531 assembly number on barell jacket speaks too that this should be on barell too when matching complete.
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Well, the problem with that theory is the barrel has a very distinctive Eagle Proof and inspection proof that is the exact same on the underside of the bolt. Which Loewe eagle proofs are quite distinctive. Not to mention has the exact same inspection proof that is found on all the rest of the parts. On this particular rifle.
Yeah, I'm with Jordan on this. Definitely Loewe fireproof/acceptance. Not to mention the older barrel code and the crown indicating a counter bore. It's the barrel it left the factory with IMO.
Yes You are right the fireproof looks identical for Loewe, so it should be correct period barell, the assembly serialing is not typical here as missing the last digits of serial nr. too.
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Military Rifle Journal