1876 Gebr. Mauser M71B Jägerbüchse #3676


Staff member
HI All,

Here's one I picked up at the April RIA sale. In typical RIA fashion, they lotted this with another rifle, which I think reduced the draw; ended up going pretty cheap given the rarity of these. This example was not previously documented and makes #6 in the SN study. It's an upgrade for me and my other one is going to another member that is into these and will appreciate it.

Jägerbüchse 71 manufacture appeared to be limited to 1876 and seems to have only cracked midway through the no-suffix block. It is unclear who the intended recipients were, as Württemberg did not have any specific Jäger battalions at the time and none have been found with unit marks, save a WW1 era artillery landssturm one.

This example is virtually untouched and crisp; a true closet gun. There is a nice patina on the metal and some dings and scratches on the stock. The front band screw was pretty tight and slightly buggered, so I didn't risk damage by fully disassembling.

Here are the pics; the first one I threw in a M71 Hirschfänger bayonet for good measure.

A great sleeper pickup Chris!! I'm glad this didn't end up in a sporting and collector auction, I know Jägers are all the rage these days so to speak...

Antique German military arms seem to be the last period of German collecting that hasn't gone crazy with cost, and I get tempted all the while with these posts about them lol.
Can still get these guns on a modest budget matching and in great condition.
Just showpieces of exquisite German craftsmanship. Given the technology of the time, from the checkered safety flag, to the elegantly executed sling swivels these rifles are amazing to look at. Great score Chris.
Nice one Chris! I didn't know that mauser even made jägersbüsche rifles. Now you are making me want to have a jägerbüsche now.... I guess ill have to add it to my wishlist lol.
That's a beauty, sweet pickup Chris! Really like the closet find look this one, can't say there's many like it out there!
Thanks for the kind words guys. I don't often participate at RIA, as they tend to lot up great rifles with junky ones or the bidder traffic gets crazy. I have scored very big from them though on occasion, and this is one case. In many ways, it's kind of like buying something from Eisel; Do your homework and don't bid more than you should.

I know Jägers are all the rage these days so to speak...
These are one of my legitimate focuses; others being the Suhl Consortium and anything from Württemberg (Though admittedly, I am very broad in my German collecting, and will look at anything from flintlocks to late WW2) , I've got one of these 71Bs from each maker, a nice Garde Jäger 71/84, a couple Jäger marked 88s, a few nice Jäger Gew 98s and the Radfahrer from Mike. I also delve back to any pre unification jägerbūchse as well. (A personal fav being a Napoleonic KGL flintlock)
That is a beauty! Great find. I used to have time to look through the RIA lots and really examine everything, but just haven't had the time lately. They are a great way to get rifles, usually at a reasonable price. 3 of my rarest rifles came from a lot of 7 from RIA. Terrible descriptions, mediocre pictures, and a larger batch, meant less interest.

Great catch! The crispness of the stock markings is really awesome.
Wonderful rifle, Chris! You probably have the best assembly Jäger items on here. Much to be envious of.
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I have nothing of substance to add, but i really like this one! Added to the reference. It is neat to see so many Wurttembergers coming out of the woodwork. Not sure if it's coincidence, or because we have more eyes on them, but it's pretty awesome to see so many.