$15k Sauer

This is why I don't even bother with online auctions for guns...I stick with finding them locally. Sure sometimes you go through a long drought...but sometimes when it rains it pours...

Its also good I have a network of guys who know what I like, and they often will give me first crack if they find one...and my good buddy who I set up with, ANY 98k that he scores I see first...at least I get them reasonable...but still no where as cheap as they used to be!

ETA The matching 43 Sauer I just posted was an inside deal between my buddy and another guy we know...if it was out on the tables, Eisel would have probably snapped it up first! He was buying like a crazy man in Syracuse...So in this case the network thing worked well, as he snagged it from our friend, and it was mine 1 minute after he bought it...
I'm afraid that seller has a big disappointment coming.

If the top bidder comes through though, and is reading this I have a bringback 37 Sauer in a stunning tiger striped walnut stock, The rifle itself is not quite as nice as your new 39, it's duffle cut but matching except for the front band. Send me $8000 and I'll even ship it for free. :thumbsup:
Well, first off the 15k auction for the most part wasn't real. The bidding I mean .Like H.B. said. I think it was taken over by a couple serial scammers/shill bidders. I would be highly surprised if he gets paid. I also think there was one involved in DAK's 42/39 auction. Your Erma was sold for a realistic be it a bit higher price for what it is. You did nothing wrong you got top dollar for your rifle. I.M.H.O. and this shows what your rifle is worth. One of these scammers went public on another forum why? I still don't know ? Ranting about these rifles sell to cheap and he wants them to sell for more???? I don't think he follows the prices too closely.. He was reported to gun broker and was kicked off the site. I think you can log onto gunbroker multiple times under many names.. So he could be back at it ?? We shall see. I hope you'all get paid.....

Also: for the record. I'm not stating that the all NR bidders are shill bidders.. We were all NR bidders once and we have to start somewhere. Or that the sellers auctions were shilled to their knowledge. Both are stand up honest guys. Sellers I don't think have any control who bid on their auctions. Some guys state that NR bidders are to check with them 1st. before placing a bid to make sure they are legit.

All and all auctions are 'events' and rarely have the same result twice. We cant judge the market from a couple run-away auctions.. If the market gets flooded with k98's after a windfall you can bet the prices will fall.

When Im wrong I like to admit it.. I was wrong. Apparently the seller was paid and he has posted + feedback already for the buyer.. Does this change anything ??? Or everything ??
When Im wrong I like to admit it.. I was wrong. Apparently the seller was paid and he has posted + feedback already for the buyer.. Does this change anything ??? Or everything ??

There was only one thing going on with this auction: 2 people, with way more resources than most of us have, wanted this gun for their
own reasons, in one case, to fill a specific spot in a collection. If you have the cash, it does not matter what something costs. If you want
it, you buy it.
I have never seen this happen on Gunbroker before, and will probably not see it happen again.
I don't know if this has been posted as I didn't read through all this because it addresses a fiction, the fiction that someone is so rich and stupid as to pay that. They aren't. I believe this is a matter of the buyer and seller agreeing to a sales price but the seller couldn't close the auction due to a number of bidders. The seller simply told the buyer to bid whatever, you'll get it for the price we agreed upon (e.g. $2500), just pay my auction fees. High/low and "Mary Carter" agreements like this take place all the time in business where a seller and buyer hedge their bets.

The funny thing is that Gunbonker is going to get their points, which are significant, because the façade that the transaction was completed was "confirmed" by the feedback. I hope none of you really believe this transaction took place at this price. :)
Unbelievable! What are these rifles going to be worth 10 or 15 years from now?

......about twice what they are now if the past is any indication. The appreciation rate is generally about 10% per year if my observations since the mid 80s are worth anything. Note that I place debate about this auction in the same league as wondering about how much a baby sasquatch will cost in 10-15 years.
The seller simply told the buyer to bid whatever, you'll get it for the price we agreed upon (e.g. $2500), just pay my auction fees. High/low and "Mary Carter" agreements like this take place all the time in business where a seller and buyer hedge their bets.

Such thinking would have never occurred to me. I don't know if that is naiveté, or a result of all those willow switches Dad broke over my behind in my youth...

......about twice what they are now if the past is any indication. The appreciation rate is generally about 10% per year if my observations since the mid 80s are worth anything. Note that I place debate about this auction in the same league as wondering about how much a baby sasquatch will cost in 10-15 years.

Life is what it is. I do not pretend to understand how the world works.
The auction closed for the amount stated.
Check it out.

Maybe some day I will have enough money to buy whatever I want, regardless of price, but I doubt it.
I wish I knew Rogerglib's e mail address, boy do I have a deal for him. :thumbsup:
Such thinking would have never occurred to me. I don't know if that is naiveté, or a result of all those willow switches Dad broke over my behind in my youth...

It's not über transparent but it isn't fraudulent or a$$ whipping worthy like shill bidding. If that's what happened someone got stung with like $450 in auction fees due to a wild card or joke bidder.

BTW, this wasn't a completely original thought from me, Farb pointed it out to me today while we were BSing.
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It's not über transparent but it isn't fraudulent or a$$ whipping worthy like shill bidding. If that's what happened someone got stung with like $450 in auction fees due to a wild card or joke bidder.

BTW, this wasn't a completely original thought from me, Farb pointed it out to me today while we were BSing.

Yes, but I do know the seller and he confirmed that it indeed is real (he's even posted in this thread), he has the $ and a new benchmark has been set for standard issue 98k pricing. My offer stands, anything I've got is for sale at $15k - Hambone's can be had for a paltry $14k but his rifles have all been nickel plated.