Search results

  1. Fal Grunt

    1890 ŒWG Gewehr 88/05 9293s with damage

    Chris, Great rifle! If you'd like I can get around to finishing my write up on the 88/05 process from Mauser and German arsenals. It details all the operations, machining, gauges, function checks, and acceptance. I never finished it because I can't technically publish the archives documents...
  2. Fal Grunt

    German Mauser 98, unknown

    Cyrano pretty much detailed everything correctly. The 7 is a gunmakers assembly numbers. Without the original barrel we can't know much more than that. This is a typical pre-war rifle, probably Suhl area, recycling some Gewehr 98 parts. It may have even gone through more than one rebuild...
  3. Fal Grunt

    Mauser K98 blueprints

    I believe I have one, I will take a look.
  4. Fal Grunt

    Gewehr 88/14

    Very cool, thanks for sharing!
  5. Fal Grunt

    Mauser K98 blueprints This will help you with the conversion. Yes, basically your descriptions are correct from a modern perspective. I downloaded and took a look at RH 8/5872, I have the earlier version of this document (cost me a...
  6. Fal Grunt

    Belgian 1889/36 Sniper L227

    I can’t help but put it back together! Keep me in mind if you find rings/appropriate scope.
  7. Fal Grunt

    Mauser K98 blueprints

    I found it, and am downloading it. I'll go through the RH 8 files a little closer and see if I can find anything else. Thanks a ton!
  8. Fal Grunt

    Mauser K98 blueprints

    I would absolutely love the drawings for the k43. I'm curious what search terms you used to find the RH 8/3307A drawings? I've spent MANY hours looking through that archive and I am embarrassed to say I never found them! Absolutely amazing, I've spent hours searching that archive, and now...
  9. Fal Grunt

    Mauser K98 blueprints

    Would love to get copies, or pointed to the right office to purchase digitized copies myself. Thanks!
  10. Fal Grunt

    Another SOS find. BCD45 all matching

    Fantastic rifle, I absolutely love that bolt shroud. If anyone has a spare gnarly bolt shroud they'd like to part with, please send me a PM. I'd have to look at Bruce's book :ROFLMAO:, but those marks are from something more like what in the US we would call a Blanchard Lathe. I know I am...
  11. Fal Grunt

    Belgian 1889/36 Sniper L227

    Could the dial be calibrated for different cartridges? It seems crazy to me that a sniper would change the disc depending on the ammo. That's the first thing that comes to my mind. For example, attached is an original Chilean 1895 rifle rear sight calibrated for the round nose bullet on the...
  12. Fal Grunt

    Belgian 1889/36 Sniper L227

    The spacing on the front base makes sense to me. The 1889/36 action is shorter than the 1935, which is a standard length 98. That would space the base on the 1935 towards the rear. I read through your other thread, thanks for sharing that...
  13. Fal Grunt

    Belgian 1889/36 Sniper L227

    One of my SOS finds, a sad lonely action sitting in a bin. I was surprised to see this still there Friday afternoon after as much activity as there was. I didn’t KNOW what it was, but I knew it was something. The receiver itself is interesting. It does take a 1889/36 bolt, but does not appear...
  14. Fal Grunt

    Fliegerkorn (Anti-Aircraft Sight) for the Gewehr 98

    Very cool! Absolutely! I was at an auction not too long ago where a buyer purchased well over half the items of the estate. He then proceeded to literally dump them into a landscape trailer. I have often mused how many things have been thrown away for the utter lack of knowledge! I don't...
  15. Fal Grunt

    Mg34 and 42 reference book

    That's great. I've been asked several times about producing parts. Original drawings are a huge time saver from reverse engineering........ except when they didn't make the parts to print in the first place. I've never had a passion for music, but apparently I will now! I think it does...
  16. Fal Grunt

    Matching 1918 Erfurt Kar98a Markings/Value?

    I was going to recommend on Gunboards that you post here, but you already found it! Nice of you to join, and a great rifle as well. Great rifle that I would leave as is! While there is a slim possibility that the lug was reversed at some point post war by an armorer or depot level work, it was...
  17. Fal Grunt

    DSM Waffenstadt suhl

    I'm always open to buying duffle cut rifles ;) I have a couple of the DSM stacking rods in stock, and as soon as I get your pictures from the MARS rifle I will take a look at making one or a batch of those.
  18. Fal Grunt

    DWM Mauser 1895 sporter with an odd scope mount

    I was impressed one of my rifles has an 4.5-7.5 which I have taken out hunting several times. Very nice scopes.