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  1. T

    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    Ziess Zielvier 4X Thanks Old Glass. Hey guys any idea how to make this a little easier to turn the dial to adjust. As I mentioned, I tightened the 3 small screws on the dial and it now adjusts the scope, however it seems like it should be easier to turn. Is there something that needs to be...
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    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    Update: so after researching the parts and operation of the scope, I found that the 3 screws on the elevation dial were not tight. This allowed the outer ring of the dial to rotate without actually turning the adjuster. I tightened the screws and what do you know it works. It is kind of...
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    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    Ziess Zielvier 4X So I know my thread is a little old but I pulled the scope back out to examine to see if I could get the elevation to adjust. So I have a couple more questions that I am hoping you can help me with. 1. Without any stops on the elevation adjustment wheel, Is zero always zero...
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    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    The scope does have the Germany mark on the side of the scope under the elevation adjustment.
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    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    I was also hoping someone could explain the workings on the top of the scope. Obviously the dial is adjusted and then locked in place with the set screw for the distance. Any significance to the red dot on top where I assume the focus adjustment is?
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    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    Scope thanks for all the replies. the mount is a Griffin and Howe side mount (1931 stamped date). Not sure what date the scope is....pre war, post war. pretty sure it is commercial. It was setup to be used on 4 different rifles. I bought two of the rifles (30-06 and 257). So is it more...
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    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    photos of my scope. Here are a couple photos of my scope. Any info on what the dial measurements show me. Thanks.
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    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    I purchased a couple of rifles and scope. The scope is a Zeiss Zielvier 4X. The serial number is 41478. The dial on the top is numbered 0-59, equally spaced. All the information i have seen says the scopes ranged from 100-800 or 100-1000 yds. So any help on what this dial increment are...
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    Hello from Nebraska

    This place is awesome. Lots of info and seem to be very knowledgable people. I have two guns. 30-06 and 257 both guns appear to be 1930's. Have side mount scope (Griffin and Howe mount) Zeiss Zielvier 4X scope.

Military Rifle Journal