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  1. R

    Hensoldt Wetzlar Ziel Dialyt 6x

    Not to be a wise guy. But, if it's in focus and turning the focus ring causes it to go out of focus, I'd think it was functioning correctly.
  2. R

    The quality of reproduction ZF-41 scopes

    Well, the first one I bought lasted 14 rnds. I sent it back and got a replacement. It was pretty good until recently, so it lasted 7 years. I intend to send it to some one like OptikHaus, but haven't gotten around to it. I mounted a scout scope on my CE42 and it does quite a bit better...
  3. R

    243 1939 k98k opinions

    243 1938 I have a 243 1938 (looks like N block). Where yours has e/26 stamps mine has e/280. And has the Weimar proof stamps like yours. Since they're different years I might be comparing apples to oranges.
  4. R

    How did I do? My first K98 - JP Sauer 1942

    Ce 42 My CE 42 has the smooth upper band and bayonet lug. One thing has been bugging me though. The script CE isn't slanted, but straight.
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    So I got some Yugo ammo...

    Yugo Ammo I've had positive experiences with 50's Yugo. I have 600 rounds stashed that I paid 30 cents a round for at a local gun show. But, like the man said, I get some hang fires. I recently bought a 900 round case of M75 dated 1999. That's the stuff! Looks like new and functions perfectly...
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    98k!!! Question! Gustloff Werke

    Yeah, my CE 42 stock looks just like that one. Been sanded and the bolt knob recess isn't as tall as they normally are. Actually I'm glad to see another just like it cause I wondered if that cut out was fake. The price is right. If it has a very good bore I'd buy it.
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    Nazi Mauser 98??

    Well, it was manufactured by JP Sauer in 1943, in Suhl. I can't read the number on the forward band, but the bolt is not original to the rifle. Nice looking example, though. I have a CE 42. I like the Mod 98 in Germanic script that these have. don't feel bad about the mismatched bolt. It's a lot...
  8. R

    slam fire with 1935 saur 98k

    slam fire with 1935 Sauer 98k I'm certainly not an expert. But, the cocking piece looks like the sear is making very little contact with it. Just a tiny bit near the bottom. And the bottom edge looks a bit rounded off...not a crisp edge for the sear to slide off of.
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    R.C. 1938 K98k

    243 1938 I had to pay $600 for it, but that included 300 rounds of RWM (mostly 1940, brass not steel) ammo in 15 round boxes. He wouldn't budge on the price...the ammo was the clincher. With todays ammo situation, I didn't argue with him. Though I don't intend to fire much of the ammo. And the...
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    R.C. 1938 K98k

    243 1938 I bought a K98k, 243 1938 two weeks ago. Serial number 7327 n, WaA 280. It's not a Russian capture, is in overall very nice shape with an excellent bore. The bolt is a mismatch, but all other numbers and WaA match. It differs a bit from yours having the flat butt plate. The part with...