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  1. T

    How to find a K98

    I usually learn the fastest after I buy my first one and study that one. So, the first one should be cheap. So if it is a mistake it is money well spent. And it can still be a good shooter. Save the collector grade ones for later. I like shooters.
  2. T

    S/147 G from Reno gun show

    I agree. The barrel is in great shape and it is hard to believe they had to cut due to erosion. Is it a Czech sight? It also looks like a M1 carbine sight. It seems like a lot of trouble to go through. I wonder who and why...
  3. T

    S/147 G from Reno gun show

    So I went to the range today and the first round went to bulls eye at 100 yards. It shoots real good. I am anxious to find out if someone cut the barrel. Maybe to put on a different front sight. From googling it seems mine is maybe about 1 1/2" shorter than it should be. But I am not sure if my...
  4. T

    S/147 G from Reno gun show

    It is in nice shape with shiny barrel and good grooves. I inserted a cleaning rod and touching the bolt face it measures 22 1/4"
  5. T

    S/147 G from Reno gun show

    Bolt is non matching and someone put the wrong stock on it. Should I bring this back to original? It looks pretty the way it is but it is somewhat rare right? If I change the rear sight would it have the retainer ring again or not? Is that doable? What about the front sight? (Silly typo, is...