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  1. E

    New to collecting K98’s looking for information on a DOU 42

    Thanks for the information. This is my first K98.
  2. E

    New to collecting K98’s looking for information on a DOU 42

    Unfortunately, I can’t see and numbers. unfortunately, I can’t see anything.
  3. E

    New to collecting K98’s looking for information on a DOU 42

    Sounds like mine is legit then! Great news! I had a WWII German firearms collector look it over before I bought it. The seller would not let us break it down to look at what was inside we couldn’t see, but I took the chance and apparently he was honest. How many have you seen like ours from the...
  4. E

    First K98. BYF 41

    I remember seeing this one also. The stock has been sanded imo.
  5. E

    New to collecting K98’s looking for information on a DOU 42

    Is there another view I could show you for anything els?! The butt plate, magazine follower and cleaning rod are not marked on your either? That’s what I really want to be sure of, I’ve read some are and some aren’t. Thank you for the reply
  6. E

    New to collecting K98’s looking for information on a DOU 42

    Hello everyone. I have collected WWII German items for years and have just moved into the small arms area. I recently got my first Luger, an all matching 1938 (except magazine) and just picked up my first K98. I hope she fills all the check marks I had set for one. I wanted one just as if I...