Third Party Press

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  1. B

    BNZ 43 single rune-go-ore no go?

    1st photo....enlarge x4 and look directly in the light reflection----between the "b" and the "4" it's there but the glare makes it almost impossible to see. BAF
  2. B

    BNZ 43 single rune-go-ore no go?

    Yea' it has a rune on it... I would ask him for a detailed pictured or the left,top,right side of the receiver--then we can make a better opinion. BAF
  3. B

    New Guy with BNZ4 Questions

    AT Least..I would guess more like 20-30+ to 1 I get so tired of buying them sportized S/T block bnz 45's with the correct hacked up stock---Heck they all seem to be in that $150--$175 range and I walk around the shows and normally pick them up before leaving....I quit counting...
  4. B

    SS Contract and Single Rune serial study

    May have been a ruff' machined piece before finishing--re; reject from normal production lines--and ended up a contract it Waa marked anywhere? Or as you say ground/restamped---maybe removing another manufactures stamping/year(ie; instead of the multi-marked receivers)--who knows...
  5. B

    SS Contract and Single Rune serial study

    Holly smokes... "a hand stamped bnz/1 in a shield?" BAF
  6. B

    SS Contract and Single Rune serial study

    I'm with ya' T/A....A lot of questions out there that may only be found with "known" good guns to be able to look at....Soooo much of the documentation was burned and distroyed---it leaves little to go on other then the "end product" sometimes. My thought are Radom was assembling part of the...
  7. B

    Sad story of an otherwise really nice bnz 41

    Hey Jim...nice gun even being rebarreled.... Let me releave your mind a little.... There where THOUSANDS of 1903/1903a3 guns that the DMC offered that where used for drill rifle purposes..these had there barrels spot welded on the bottom front to the receiver and a rod pounded into the chamber...
  8. B

    New Guy with BNZ4 Questions

    Do you have any proof of this?....examples that have been distroyed?.... More of a story then truth, all of my "T" block shoot very well with there like new bores...Would not hesitate to shoot any bnz late war gun that has been inspected....I wish this myth would quit growing. The late...
  9. B

    Interesting DOT 43 with Questions for the Experts

    Well it will always be a M/M example----so with that said, a M/M bolt + M/M Stock example with all the replacement parts---once completed with a repaired or replaced stock still makes the gun into a $500-$800 or so. The bolt is a early 40's Steyr bolt--Nothing increadably rare or HTF, but with...
  10. B

    New Guy with BNZ4 Questions

    The above with a mismatched's hard to tell, somedays astrnomical prices on auction sites--but a reasonable sale would be $1200-$1400 or so.....but to land a correct bnz late war stock if it is at auction for other collectors to view---I know I would go north of $700 or so for a nice...
  11. B

    SS Contract and Single Rune serial study

    I don't know who was the manufacture of many of the unmarked receivers(I can assume--but)...I am expecially talking SR/contract pieces---I simply don't see these odd ball variations on regular production pieces as often(bnz stuff)--ie; any letter code guns. Are you under the assumption that the...
  12. B

    SS Contract and Single Rune serial study

    T/A there are more Waa codes for bnz codes guns other then Radom Waa77/Steyr Waa 623. Some of the odd ball handstamped receivers do some wild things...a lot are simply not marked when you talking contract/single rune or handstamped. That is some old info--but I will dig into soon and reply...
  13. B

    SS Contract and Single Rune serial study

    That is the obvious part of it..but I see more then that. Last time I chatted with him, Steyr portion is in the "works". BAF
  14. B

    New Guy with BNZ4 Questions

    I'm with ya' on the stock... I have 1 "s" block and 2 "T" block matching BA with all correct metal waiting for the same stock.... So darn many of these BNZ 45 built rifles where sporterized...I'm sure that it was simply that these very late war guns where the best to be found in a pile, there...
  15. B

    SS Contract and Single Rune serial study

    here are some... I got a few..Here is the latest--it's fresh on my mind RC example soooo.... bnz. 4 (small) Rune marked 7550 (on rcr) Waa77 marked on the right side of the receiver V7 in a circle RR receiver about 1/2 way above/below the wood line no other receiver markings above the wood...

Military Rifle Journal