Third Party Press

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  1. Schwartzwald Metzger

    New to forum

  2. Schwartzwald Metzger

    New to forum

    I don't know much about them, but they are solid animals for sure.
  3. Schwartzwald Metzger

    New to forum

    Rescues are the best.
  4. Schwartzwald Metzger

    New to forum

    Haha! Ya she's a Dogo Argentino.... Super chill, sleepy dog. I'm in Tampa now... Too many people here, I 75 here is starting to look like I 95 in the beltway.
  5. Schwartzwald Metzger

    New to forum

    Right on!
  6. Schwartzwald Metzger

    WW1 M71/84 Sawback Bavarian Bayonet

    I wish there wasn't so much information missing. It is all extremely fascinating for sure.
  7. Schwartzwald Metzger

    WW1 M71/84 Sawback Bavarian Bayonet

    Fascinating. I wonder how he got a pre WW1 bayonet while fighting with the 29 th ID in WW2? I appreciate your help on identifying this.
  8. Schwartzwald Metzger

    WW1 M71/84 Sawback Bavarian Bayonet

    My grandfather fought in WW2 and like many vets brought back several war trophies. One of the trophies he brought back was this WW1 Bavarian, M 71/84 bayonet. I have no idea were he got it or the story behind it, but when he passed my father gave all his trophies to me. My dad knows my love...
  9. Schwartzwald Metzger

    New to forum

    Hi all, resident Floridian here. For most of my life I have been a huge fan of all that is WW2 and have been lurking here forever so I decided to register. Hope all is well.

Military Rifle Journal