Third Party Press

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  1. Brian Kowalski

    K43 Ac44 help

    Yes, some were made without the dovetail mount.
  2. Brian Kowalski

    Green Phosphate MP44 Magazines Origin?

    I believe those dark parked/sand blasted mp44 mags came out of Yugoslavia back in the early 90s....along with parts kits.
  3. Brian Kowalski

    ZF4 Rig with wooden box

    Thank you for the additional, very well detailed pics. The mount is obviously original. Stamped numbers on "214" mounts are typically accepted as non textbook in the current collector community. I am not saying they don't exist..anything is possible here. Another very experienced forum...
  4. Brian Kowalski

    ZF4 Rig with wooden box

    I would have to say that the vast majority would expect to see a specific style of engraving, that BLM uses, on all numbered 214 proofed mounts...anything differing from that is considered "Non Textbook". I can say that I am yet to see an original 214 with stamped numbers on it, and I have only...
  5. Brian Kowalski

    Two G/K.43 mounts up for sale

    Both are clearly fakes that have been around for quite some time...and aged to look older. The 214 is a bit more convincing, but not much. Look at the smooth casting finish (way to consistent), lever style/construction and the stampings/engravings...all are red flags to look for. Compare...
  6. Brian Kowalski

    Late war K.43 Walther rifles question to pose

    I wonder how many folks over the years put BLM parts back, to make the rifle "correct" for BLM ...since it had some Walther parts on it?? Kind of like folks putting ddx scopes on late Walther K43 snipers, when they probably were originally issued with dow scopes?
  7. Brian Kowalski

    Late war K.43 Walther rifles question to pose

    Good discussion, and we will never have a 100% answer I feel. Mike probably has the most accepted opinion. The rifles (c and d blocks..maybe a few others with issues??) were sitting assembled, with unnumbered bolt carriers etc., awaiting test firing and proofing. and/or final numbering. I...
  8. Brian Kowalski

    qve45 4181f Milled Action Cover

    Valid point. They are Germans lol... what if the tag fell off, could quitw easily happen..then you are starting over again. Agree, blm seemed to use dow only for their snipers. I had a german wwii document/contract from Walther to dow that seemed to indicate they were in need of zf4 scope...
  9. Brian Kowalski

    qve45 4181f Milled Action Cover

    This is a topic that we may never know the real reason why this marking was applied. During the early years, prior to serious internet use, some G43 book authors did not seem to accept that these markings were original WWII..hence it is not really mentioned in books. It was known by serious...
  10. Brian Kowalski

    qve45 4181f Milled Action Cover

    I will agree with T2T, probably more than 80% seem to have a "Messed with" stock.
  11. Brian Kowalski

    For the experts - legit or too good to be true?

    I would have to agree with the above comments. The stock has certainly been "molested" at one point in its life. Once that happens, it really hurts the collector value, especially with these G/K43s. Stock condition is typically 50% of the value many feel.
  12. Brian Kowalski

    AC44 Panel Cut

    Great restoration!! Very nice
  13. Brian Kowalski

    ZF4 Scope & Mount Questions

    Unfortunately, the subject mount is a reproduction.
  14. Brian Kowalski

    CAD LSR Scope Rig.

    A little out of my "wheelhouse" here. I ran across this scope set up and thought I would share it with others on the forum. It is a great rig, with Veteran provenance, as to being captured just outside of Bastogne in Feb. 1945. Vet stated it was in the forest, on a pile of soldiers...
  15. Brian Kowalski

    ZF4 Mount Review - Original??

    I am posting these pics for "maxipum", a forum member here. They were provided by him to me and he was unable to figure out how to post them..understandable, so, I helped him out. He wishes to receive others opinions on the authenticity of this mount. My opinion is not favorable of this "214"...
  16. Brian Kowalski

    Walther flat bottom stock transition

    Not sure there really is a transition from "round" bottom stocks to "flat" bottom stocks. The WaA C10 subcontracted stocks appear to have the flat bottoms. Maybe someone else that maintains better records can chime in here.
  17. Brian Kowalski

    K43 acquisition - any info appreciated.

    The capital "L" on the stock is normal for this letter Block. Looks like a very nice rifle.
  18. Brian Kowalski

    K43 scope mount verification

    yes, appears original

Military Rifle Journal