Search results

  1. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks. I thought you would enjoy the find and the fact that the serial number was low. You are a true aficionado. Good luck on the sling and bayonet. "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton
  2. Patton

    G. 12/34 Database sheet

    Here you go:
  3. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    I would like to purchase if I can obtain the stock at a reasonable price. I found a match on EBay (of all places) but waiting to hear from Bill Griest on his price.
  4. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks for the response. I have sent out feelers to a couple of real artisans when it comes to antique gun restorations and I'm waiting for a response.
  5. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    I agree and that is the plan. I do not want to alter anything on the original if possible. I have seen videos of Mark Novak, JK Gun Restoration and Backyard Ballistics and others doing some incredible restorations so I know it can be done.
  6. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Tough decision either way. If I leave it like it is it is original and historic but broken. If I repair it, it loses its originality because of the replacement parts and I have to pony up the dough for the pleasure. I prefer to have a complete rifle but we'll see what kind of $ figure it will...
  7. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks for the kind words and the photos. They did seem to have trouble with that number 4 stamp or perhaps the worker at Steyr didn't have enough Jägermeisters :confused:
  8. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks for the response. I wonder how well it would match up to Bill Grist's butt stock shown in a previous post? I hope I'm not breaking any rules here when I ask you how much would you sell it for?
  9. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks for the response. Apologies for the slow reply. I have some good excuses I won't get into:). I suppose the next logical question is how much do you want for the stock? Since I am operating on a cost prohibitive basis and lot of guess work the answer will likely determine whether or not to...
  10. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    I am interested in the parts you mentioned but I haven't seen any response to my request for photos. If you are still interested, please let me know. Also, there was an earlier post that stated that they had a butt plate and some hardware available, but it seems to have been deleted. Hopefully...
  11. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks. Would you post some pics? BTW the serial number is "34".
  12. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory
  13. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Yep, I agree with you 100%. What you suggested is really all the restoration I was planning to do. I'm just not sure I can dissemble the rifle and remove the rust properly so I have been watching a few videos and have found some people that can do amazing things. I'm just considering my...
  14. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Much thanks to you @Jakeman664 and to all the responders on this thread for all the great information and comments. I have been browsing the web looking at the possibilities of having the stock repaired and the entire rifle restored. Perhaps a shadow box with a vintage photo and brief...
  15. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Wow! The number "34" is definitely stamped on the left side of the receiver next to a single German eagle. The rust makes it hard to see.
  16. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    The number "34" is stamped on just about every part of this rifle. It seems unlikely that would be the serial number but I leave that determination to the experts.
  17. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks for the links, I will definitely check them out. I'll try again on the photo upload but very busy lately as both parents are in hospice. The stock was sawed off by hand most of the way and then broken off at the end. This is pretty obvious when you examine it closely. Yes I did consider...
  18. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks. I imagine it would be difficult to put a value on something like this. I suppose it would depend on the buyer and the need. I am trying to put together an insurance estimate for my WW2 collection and never really knew anything much about this rifle. It basically sat in the corner next to...
  19. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks so much for the response and the great information. I suspected this rifle was unique and collectible just from browsing your site and others. I would still like to get even a "ball park" estimate of the value if you are able or so inclined. Thanks again for the info...
  20. Patton

    Novice looking for information on an interesting rifle brought back from WWII German armory

    Thanks a lot for the help. Much appreciated. I had some trouble with the photos and was running out of time with the post.