Third Party Press

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  1. T1D.Operator

    Ability to change usernam?

    Hi everyone, Was wondering if it's possible to change my username. If so, I would love to be able to so I can match my username across accounts. Thanks!
  2. T1D.Operator

    Dk MP43/1

    I keep missing these guns when they're in stock. Has anyone shot much of the MP44 or MP43 (if they have it). I've been told they're more or less safe queens. If I get one at all anytime soon, I will probably be running them in competitions for fun lol.
  3. T1D.Operator

    PSA STG-44

    Pretty Cetme L's, I should get one lol. Besides that, I would not trust HMG at all. Even with their Cetmes.
  4. T1D.Operator

    Gewehr 98 - Danzig 1916 - 100% Matching - Dust Cover - Trench Mag - & - Night sight

    That's really neat. Impressive. How hard was it to find everything for it?
  5. T1D.Operator

    G98M: Imperial, Weimar, and Nazi marks + BS w/ 1920 Stamp

    This was what I saw. Your post addressing the BS. That’s mainly why I posted it. I’ve never seen a 1920 property stamped gun with a BS mark. So figured this would be interesting for people to see!
  6. T1D.Operator

    G98M: Imperial, Weimar, and Nazi marks + BS w/ 1920 Stamp

    That’s neat. Always cool to see some interesting rifles like that. My main thing is it’s a BS with a 1920 property stamp, which is something I’ve never seen. Plus, no idea what BS means really.
  7. T1D.Operator

    G98M: Imperial, Weimar, and Nazi marks + BS w/ 1920 Stamp

    Saw this, and saw @Loewe comments on it, and the discussions about the BS stamp from years back. This one’s a bit different with a property mark too. Figured you all would find what I found interesting. It’s a duffle cut G98M. Went through Imperial, Weimar, and I believe Nazi use (correct me if...
  8. T1D.Operator

    1899 Spandau Gewehr 98m 7432 part 2

    Pretty gun. I've bee wanting to find an antique G98, but they seem incredibly hard to find. Even if it is a rebuild/depot overtime. Great snag!
  9. T1D.Operator

    Is this a real sniper?

    Was on Gunbroker and saw this. Been trying to determine if it's real since you can make a well-done fake (we've all seen it). Would appreciate any input. More so curious at how to spot fakes easily, and if this is one, what did I miss? I could not find anything glaring besides non-numbered...
  10. T1D.Operator

    MG34 just sold on GB -

    Most of the collectors I know become 02s and just do build services as their business… and then build the MGs they want. Helps if you can make it profitable, but the cost of a transferrable… I’d rather buy a house at 48K as a downpayment. Which, it would be nice to actually get a MG if it...
  11. T1D.Operator

    DK Production MP44

    Not many were built to begin with. If memory serves right, Atlantic bought what was left in the import, and is just releasing them slowly. Artificial scarcity to a degree, so they do not "flood the market." Same thing with JDI, who imports "minimal" SG55X guns, and then sells them as expensive...
  12. T1D.Operator

    DK Production MP44

    This will be the exact same thing as the HD18/SVD imports from Hungary. Here’s the difference though: the HD18/ had a limited production number. I doubt, or atleast have not heard of DK making the StG-44 series a limited production gun. Those were around 200~ if I remember correctly, and I was...
  13. T1D.Operator

    PTR 44 purchase opportunity

    How does it look overall? Quality like the BD38?
  14. T1D.Operator

    PTR 44 purchase opportunity

    Where do we order? 👀
  15. T1D.Operator

    Where to find original snipers?

    I’ll look into a Mauser. Maybe just a iron sight one to start with haha! For the HD-18, trust me, I know all the drama and history of them. They’re basically the best “SVD” to buy all things considered. Especially if you want to replicate a Chechen war rifle. If you want to replicate a original...
  16. T1D.Operator

    Where to find original snipers?

    @dragnov18 Precisely why I was looking at the HD-18. A bringback one would be great, but not 30K great. Plus, I’m not 100% into it cause it pushes into MG territory (even tho I’m a SOT, I’d rather own my MG’s lol). I’d more or less want an “original” sniper, or just snag a M76 or something to...
  17. T1D.Operator

    Where to find original snipers?

    I was kicking around collecting sniper rifles/DMR’s. If I can’t get a true German WW2 sniper, I’d deal with a alternative (IDF 7.62, WW1 German, or even Yugoslav War M48). If I am getting an SVD, it’d be the HD-18 just because it’s “done out the box,” among some other things if you know its...
  18. T1D.Operator

    Where to find original snipers?

    I’ve considered it. We will see, I am in talks with someone for one possibly, and then I’m going to come here with photos.
  19. T1D.Operator

    Where to find original snipers?

    Ballpark… how much would I need to spend? I was able to get talk going with ACME, so far the resin stock gun seems legitimate lol. The snipers… no idea, something about a Hungarian collection? I’m currently deciding if a Dragunov would be a better move, cause I’m very much into DMR/Sniper...
  20. T1D.Operator

    Where to find original snipers?

    Wish I could be that lucky @learjet, great find! All you find out here is illegal switches for sale lol. @Sport10990, makes sense. I’ve been researching and going off of other posts on the forum as reference material. Just rough out here. Figured if I went for the Yugo War guns, it might be...

Military Rifle Journal