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  1. H

    Getting into my zf41

    Hussah! Now able to turn the focusing barrels and the reticle is correct way up and seems to adjust appropriately for elevation. To the range! Taking it apart is not bad if your patient and can hold back your rage from stripping the fine threads. The overall salty appearance and ugly screw...
  2. H

    Getting into my zf41

    Here is prior post link great links to pictures of scope internals from kentomon.
  3. H

    Getting into my zf41

    After some guiding images gifted by other users from my previous thread I am repairing my zf41. It seems it is just old lubricant gumming up the works. I have it apart and will post pics. Anyone have good suggestion of lubricant to use on the moving surfaces (eccentric zeroing barrels, elevation...
  4. H

    Anyone been inside their zf41?

    Akira’s website really is fantastic. Need to save screenshots in case it ever goes down.
  5. H

    Anyone been inside their zf41?

    Thanks kentomon. I was going to pm you looking for your expert insights but figured you would post here. Very helpful.
  6. H

    Anyone been inside their zf41?

    Appreciate that diagram, the objective end in that diagram looks like the one I have.
  7. H

    Anyone been inside their zf41?

    Thanks that cross section is helpful. Using this and kentomon’s site I can tell this cross section is for a type 1 or 2 scope while mine is type 3 but it does provide some insight into the internal configuration of mine.
  8. H

    Anyone been inside their zf41?

    Thanks, I have been scouring kentomon’s website already. A great resource but haven’t found a lot pictures of the inner workings.
  9. H

    Anyone been inside their zf41?

    Has anyone taken apart a zf41/1 and taken some pictures? I would like to see some pictures of what the innards of zf41/1 are supposed to look like. I am particularly interested in the objective end eccentric cams that allow zeroing. Mine seem to be fuzed together currently, moving one moves...
  10. H

    Zf41 Kriegsmodell Stock: Repair in progress

    Agree with this but would suggest latex “surgical” tubing you can get it at hardware stores it’s stretchy and you can get it in long enough length that when your ready to clamping you can wrap the hell out of it. Surgical tubing is my clamp of choice for irregular shaped objects
  11. H

    Remilitarization of dot44 and byf43 with zf41 base

    Here it is back together. Ended up doing three rounds of bluing. Now feel like I need to try and find a zf41.
  12. H

    Astra 43/600 fake birds

    Sorry just saw your updated comment. Agree with all. Thanks
  13. H

    Astra 43/600 fake birds

    That’s what I figured. Also from what sources I’ve found should only have one mark of genuine and this one is wrong waa number and in the wrong location
  14. H

    Astra 43/600 fake birds

    Just want to confirm my suspicion as I don’t have a reference book for astras but these dirty birds are fake right?
  15. H

    Remilitarization of dot44 and byf43 with zf41 base

    Round one of rust bluing, will do at least one more round. Used in the German formula from Before after cleaning oils off with acetone: After rusting before converting and carding: After converting and carding: In real life it’s not as dark as the photo and you can still...
  16. H

    Remilitarization of dot44 and byf43 with zf41 base

    Yes silver won’t blue. I didn’t get a lot of excess outside the joint and I chipped off what I did with a needle file. The silver in the joint should tarnish to brown black with time and hopefully won’t stand out too much but again the repair will never be invisible and I’m not really trying to...
  17. H

    Remilitarization of dot44 and byf43 with zf41 base

    I think you’re right. With the ring of metal going around the barrel attached to the lip jb weld would probably have been fine. I think if you tried to just attach a lip with the stuff it would not hold long term. I like jb weld generally speaking, I have had trouble with it breaking down in...
  18. H

    Remilitarization of dot44 and byf43 with zf41 base

    Attaching it with silver solder. Parts fluxed, silver solder flakes placed in joint. Employ much heat. Silver solder requires much higher temp than the soft lead solder used to attach the rear sight base to the barrel so putting it back on barrel without compromising this joint shouldnt be an...
  19. H

    Remilitarization of dot44 and byf43 with zf41 base

    Moving on to the byf 43 with the zf41 rear base that had its hand guard lip trimmed off. I am working on restoring its lip. The work remains in progress and while it’s risky to show how the sausage is made, especially when I don’t have the finished sausage to prove it tastes good, I thought I’d...
  20. H

    Stock Damage – Is Repair Historically Accurate?

    Those with more expertise than I will chime in but that little triangle stamp under the wrist also identifies this as going through east german inventory so not a wartime bring back stock.

Military Rifle Journal