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  1. Absolut

    MP44 with side rail mount for ZF4 and or VAMPIR

    Have you ever seen a ZG1229 in person in Russia, just to have it asked?
  2. Absolut

    MP44 with side rail mount for ZF4 and or VAMPIR

    There will soon be a book on MP44 accessoires, where in one chapter the ZF4 scope rail and ZG1229 Vampir will also be covered.
  3. Absolut

    Opinions about a BMJ

    Well. They look similar (as does every copy of the turret mount). But nowhere identical.
  4. Absolut

    Opinions about a BMJ

    I highlighted in two pictures the area on the scope tube which has a different surface under the blued finish. But for gods sake, here again: Maybe you can try to picture this in a different angle since depending on the picturing it may in one picture be better visible, and in another less...
  5. Absolut

    MP44 with side rail mount for ZF4 and or VAMPIR

    Did you notice, that everything has fine surface rust pittings, except for the rail? Вы заметили, что на всех поверхностях, кроме рельса, есть мелкие точечные ржавчины?
  6. Absolut

    Bolt Getting Caught on Front Scope Ring

    Please post a picture from the rear towards the touching area. I'm not sure if the scope band is properly installed, impossible to tell from your picture.
  7. Absolut

    G43 Mount and Scope

    Very nice rare double numbered rig. I searched the serial list of G/K.43 rifles by Claus Espeholt, unfortunately rifle number 6536 that would match to your mount has not been documented so far.
  8. Absolut

    In need of info on ZFK 43/1 scope

    You have one of the rare ZFK43/1 scopes, made by Carl Zeiss. These are experimental scopes, only a handful are known. I have an original mount for these scopes that I had posted here: . The mount has to be lighly...
  9. Absolut

    MP44 with side rail mount for ZF4 and or VAMPIR

    Can you post pictures of your rifle? Можете ли вы опубликовать фотографии своей винтовки?
  10. Absolut

    MP44 with side rail mount for ZF4 and or VAMPIR

    Is there any chance you can post better pictures in higher resolution showing the rail on the MP44? Есть ли возможность разместить более качественные фотографии в более высоком разрешении, показывающие направляющую на MP44?
  11. Absolut

    Opinions about a BMJ

    I have highlighted where the rear ring was in two pictures above that I had posted. Please see those.
  12. Absolut

    Opinions about a BMJ

    You are very right. The odd finish and the proud screw heads irritated me, and with no own scopes at hand to compare with and only on my mobile I had the suspection that it may had been a dkl reworked, for knowing the dkl+ has the screws in different locations (even depending if wartime or post...
  13. Absolut

    1926 dated Kar98b

    I do think the Karab.98b on the side wall is original. Just as others stated, it may have been Yugo remarked, then that once again scrubbed and tried to restore to 98b configuration again.
  14. Absolut

    Another SOS find. BCD45 all matching

    As a sniper collector you should drill some holes to the side wall and fit a LSR mount to it, to make it fitting to your collection ;)
  15. Absolut

    Opinions about a BMJ

    The former solder markings are even better visible in the first picture. Also that proud screw head on the three piece rainshield is pretty odd. I change my mind and vote original bmj+ scope, but taken off some hunting mount, restored (which includes refinish) and re-fitted to turret mounts...
  16. Absolut

    Opinions about a BMJ

    Thanks, now back home and look at my own scopes I can compare - you are correct that the bmj+ has that screw on top. And actually when comparing it does seem that in the 74xxx serial range they changed from three piece rainshield to two piece rainshield. So that would fit. Still weird on the...
  17. Absolut

    Opinions about a BMJ

    Now that I have a computer screen .. did you notice the elevation markings are only up to 6? With original military bmj+ it should be up to 8. Also, the screw on top in front of elevation (as already mentioned) shouldn't be there with bmj+. And the screw on bottom of the rainshield, also no clue...
  18. Absolut

    Opinions about a BMJ

    Do not have any comparison pieces at hand right now, but it may be wrong. Note screw on top right behind front ring. If my memory serves me right that shouldn‘t be there.
  19. Absolut

    Zeiss Zieldovier

    I agree they are displaced in this sub forum, but why not. It is one of the most interesting threads for a long time. Really enjoy discussing those rather unknown ancestors and brothers of sniper scopes made by Zeiss. BTW, If I‘m not mistaken the Zeiss GZ scope also got trialed on the...
  20. Absolut

    Zeiss Zieldovier

    Attached my Zeiss G.Z. scopes. Top is Zeiss G.Z. No. 550 marked, second G.Z. No. 322, third, G.Z. III 2264, fourth G.Z. III 2286, bottom is G.Z. IV 1909. Note that the two G.Z. on top have different view in angles, despite being the same model. Top has basically same entrance angle as leaving...