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  1. B

    98K Barrel Steyr

    Thanks again, for your good, detailed information.
  2. B

    98K Barrel Steyr

    Thank you for all the great information! Yes under strong magnification piece, It looks like 749. The 9 has a tiny ding. Except for a lone 0 there is no serial #. Better pics.
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    C.G. Haenel 1917

    I have a Haenel 1917 Suhl I restored 30 yrs ago. Very well made and accurate.
  4. B

    98K Barrel Steyr

    Perhaps late war based on the blueing and ex cond. Bnz 44 or 45. Maybe after the war 80 % eagle buffed away and f sight removed, leaving light area, here N America after a GI picked it up at factory with no serial but eagle. However if axis factories switched to code stamps in early war then...
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    98K Barrel Steyr

    Steyr 98K Barrel in very good cond. Has 742 stamp, bulleyed W, Bo (umlout o), bullseyed STEYR, waffenampt e/623. On the bottom before threads is 6. An O and a J stamped by themselves and 3rd Reich inspector eagle has mostly been buffed but visible, are near the step. Nice blued steel about 600mm...
  6. B

    RC 27 (ERMA) 1940 with interesting bolt

    98a Bolt I got one too. 98a flat checkered handle. Also Imperial Eagle stamps.