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    "R" Stock Stamp discussed

    I once owned a K98 with the same "R". It was either a byf or bnz, the rifle was a bolt MM and well used, it also had a broken firing pin. I was rather red faced as I didn't find out about this until selling the rifle to a co-worker and I had to track a new pin down, just to make it a working...
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    OT: Canadian Seaforth Highander MkII helmet ID'd

    Propaganda video of the Musical Ride
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    OT: Canadian Seaforth Highander MkII helmet ID'd

    This helmet is even more interesting to me. The Lord Strathcona Horse (aka Strats) have Battle Honors going back to the Boer War, WWI, WWII, Korea and have seen combat as recently as Afghanistan. Their last major deployment was in Latvia in 2020 and they are currently in full scale exercises...
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    G43 Ads from 1949/50

    Wonder if the Tokarev is the SVT40 rifle or TT-33 handgun?
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    OT: Canadian Seaforth Highander MkII helmet ID'd

    Very cool - especially the Ortona connection. There was some very tough fighting against the FJ's there. The PPCLI's and Royal Edmonton Unit (where I grew up) had some tough battles there over Christmas. I remember reading magazine articles back in the 1990's and the Vets on both sides would...
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    Short Side Rail SSR sniper? Early Mauser, Type 3 base, no scope

    If wanting to 'complete' it with a mount and if you cannot afford an original top mount or want a place holder, got to waffenmesiter in the US. They have a repro SSR mount set that is quite nice. I found an original SSR missing the top mount and their repro mount slide on perfectly, tight as a...
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    ZF-41 installation

    Are you looking at the adapter or the whole new rear sight base assembly? With a few tools you can easily replace the rear base. Propane torch, screw driver, leather and brass punches and a mallet is all that is needed. I completed this task on a ZF41 that was sporterized and the rail...
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    capture pile

    First time I have seen Canadian's (as identified) making a pile. Only a few Canadian Officers got to bring back Long Guns, the majority of souvenirs where smuggles small arms.
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    K98 Newb Questions - Starting a Sniper Repro Project

    I am always about "teaching a man how to fish". Web site was created by a member here with the input and help of many other members. Great reference. Each sniper had anywhere from 1-3x different makers which could or would be correct. Then it gets more...
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    Buying rifles in parts: G.33/40

    Awesome!! I managed to do that with a VOPO G/K43. Bought the stock/receiver/barrel off one dealer at a show, internals at another show from another dealer and then found the VOPO matching magazine sitting on another rifle! I love it when a plan comes together.
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    Getting the Itch to Restore

    Many people use to restore RC K98's about 10-15 years ago and on the old G43 Forum there was a parts swapping club. I was also guilty of 'restoring' or improving upon a few myself. Most people have now gotten out of the habit as an RC is a Legit historical variation that can never be fully...
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    Help identifying K98 1941 byf Long Side Rail equiped possible remake?

    ce (sauer) also produced LSR sniper rifles but byf (Mauser) did not. There are byf snipers out there but not an LSR. All the 'sniper bits' are reproduction, right down to the safety. Stock is also heavily sanded and re-finished. In my opinion it is worth less as a 'wanna be' clone than as a...
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    G.43 Gustloff rifles anomaly

    Are there any documented 'legit' bcd ZF4 snipers? My original understanding is that there are only fantasy pieces (scopes/mounts added), so it would make sense that if there was no use for the rail, why have the rail? The French Connection also makes sense.
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    G43 Wood Repair Question The repair pictures suck and I must have deleted them. From the side you cannot see a repair even though it was mid-fore end. Top and bottom a hairline repair. Sadly for most members the guy is in Canada....
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    G43 Wood Repair Question

    Laminate stocks are easier to blend and patch than standard wood stocks if you have the right person doing it. I had a k98 that was duffle cut, I was able to find a forearm portion on this web site and then a good friend did the work for me (cost ~$100 for the work). Blended the laminations...
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    bcd45 LSR sniper blued , not parkerized

    Years ago when I first joined I posted on a bcd4 slab side unfinished/rejected LSR that was blued. However, it had VOPO markings and would have been refinished. I still have the rifle as it is very unique. Long story IMHO likely a post-war re-work or potential fantasy piece. Tough to comment...
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    value estimate, Soviet capture bnz43, thank you in advance

    There are many variations of Soviet refurbs/captures. Likely variations depended on when and where it was done. The nicest ones just had an 'x' or some even say "crossed mosin" capture stamp. Others they ground or peened the swastika but generally left the eagle intact. Obviously one with...
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    value estimate, Soviet capture bnz43, thank you in advance

    Wow - Even as an RC - Great find!! Certainly a good buy....too bad the eagle was peened, but the SS markings are left intact. I would have picked up that rifle without a bayonet for at least double what you paid.
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    What is the current market price for VOPO (East German) rework QVE 45 K43?

    Prices have gone crazy. RC K98's are selling for $1300-1400 CDN and put together M1 Garands sell for $2500-3000 CDN
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    Good God why, just why???

    Gun Digest even had a book on how to sporterize multiple common military rifles...I've seen it at shows and I have been tempted to purchase it just as a curiosity.