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  1. kspro

    2025-2027 Forum Fund Raising Drive

    Sent! This forum is worth its weight in gold in knowledge... glad to help
  2. kspro

    G98 with ww1 Bring back story

    Thank you for sharing! Incredible!!
  3. kspro

    Kriegsmodell Map Inserts - now have 15 available.

    Got mine today; much appreciated!!
  4. kspro

    Gewehr 88 regiment identification

    Appears to be the 11th Reserve Jäger Regiment, 2nd Company.
  5. kspro

    kar98a erfurt 1910 relic video

    Better than what most of what RTI has brought in... 🤣 If I lived in a area with that much stuff in the ground.. I'd be tempted to do some digging myself.. even with the risk involved.
  6. kspro

    Danzig 1906, 773b (Unit marked 57.R.R.356)

    Figured it would be worth sharing with the boards that this rifle is still floating around and still in a board member's possession. I purchased it three years ago for what now would be considered a steal from a dealer friend of mine. It is still in the exact same condition. The unit marking...
  7. kspro

    Original map inserts for Kriegsmodell - limited number of copies

    I see there are 10 posts, but if there happen to be any unclaimed within a few days or so, I'll take one as well.
  8. kspro

    Should I go buy a lotto ticket?

    Bought this nice '41 BYF from BigDibbs a little while back. This rifle came from an estate with two others and was found dissembled. Unfortunately, whoever reassembled them either couldn't find or didn't know about the value of matching serials and just built from the easily grabbed parts. A...
  9. kspro

    98k rifles still on parade

    Here is an interesting overview of these rifles straight from one of the Protokollsoldat Obviously de-milled :-(
  10. kspro

    K43 AC 45 Photos

    Thank you for sharing! Great example on how desperate the German's were getting towards the end.
  11. kspro

    Forum Fund Drive for 2021-2022 Operating Costs

    I mostly lurk just to learn and laugh at humped pieces.. That alone is worth a couple of bucks, sent!
  12. kspro

    BCD 4 Gunshow Find

    Hmm. That's no good. What's a possible explanation? Do the serial number stampings look alright to you? Thank you for your response!
  13. kspro

    BCD 4 Gunshow Find

    BCD 4 Gunshow Find Help Hello all! Brand new to the forum, new-ish to Mausers. Recently picked up a BCD 4 at a local gunshow, and would like some more experienced eyes on it for some feedback. The seller claimed it came from an estate sale, but I always take those claims with a grain of salt...