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  1. R

    un-questionable M40 Q66 luft.

    Wow! Looks great to me - almost mint condition. Fantastic find!
  2. R

    Questionable SS Helmets

    Yea, but they were all on Pervitin and didn't care.
  3. R

    Questionable SS Helmets

    SS M40 Chickenwire SS M40 SD füll basket chicken wire. ET shell with 2nd pattern runes. French repro decal fitted with original liner and strap.
  4. R

    Questionable Camos

    Either it's a fake or it really is a minty original camo. If it's a minty original, it's possible that some of the wear on the shell occurred in post-war handling or storage. This one is hard to call.
  5. R

    Questionable Camos

    What looks like blue stuff is areas where the tan camo paint is thin. You're seeing the underlying factory paint to show through. Looks blue because it's blended with the overlying tan.
  6. R

    Questionable M36/M37/M38 para helmets

    Note repairs have been made to the liner and chinstrap. Other than that what's wrong with this helmet?
  7. R

    Questionable Camos

    Agree that the ckl shell and 1943 dated liner cut it too close to reliably say this helmet was used in North Africa. What I find strange is that the liner looks almost brand new - like it hardly spent any time on a soldier's head. Doesn't match the wear on the outside of the shell or the rim...
  8. R

    Questionable Camos

    This isn't a camo but I'll put it here. It's a M42 chicken wire. Can you spot the issue? Look at the pics. Overall pretty good. Even some oxidation formed between the wire and shell. But look at the overall appearance. Lots of light-colored orange rust. This is oxidation that's on the surface...
  9. R

    Questionable SS Helmets

    Fake SS M40 SD This is a SS M40. The overall appearance is very good. Look at the pics below FIRST to get an impression, then come back up to the discussion. Would easily fool a novice or even experienced collector unfamiliar with SS helmets. But on closer examination there are some suspect...
  10. R

    Questionable Camos

    M40 Sud Front camo. Note the wear indicating the helmet once had a chicken wire half basket placed over it. A couple of things that add to the realism of this helmet are the rust bleed-thru and the wear on the green over-spray exposing the underlying tan. The chips and scratches on this helmet...
  11. R

    Questionable Camos

    Thanks Brian. Forums ARE like variable stars. Rex
  12. R

    Questionable SS Helmets

    Fake Allgemeine SS M35 Here's an allgemeine M35 that I've hung on to. It's a complete repaint, including the early war apple green undercoat and interior. The decals are French made repros. Fitted with original early war liner.
  13. R

    Questionable SS Helmets

    Real IMO. Paint chips and wear patterns are natural in shape and distribution. Paint and patina look authentic.
  14. R

    Questionable M36/M37/M38 para helmets

    Fake Flared-rim M38 Here's a late war M38 in a box I did a few months back. Sold on ebay. It uses a FJWerke shell, liner, and straps. Complete repro.
  15. R

    M.35 humped "Normandy"

    OK. I'll post some of my helmets here that are not already shown and am willing to discuss differences between my repaints (aka fakes) and original helmets. Did this on GHW for a while until the mods decided the thread had run its course. Same may happen here. Not an issue for me. Here's my...