Search results

  1. P

    Unusual Vis 35

    I have not seen that on a VIS before but I like it and it appears legit to me
  2. P


    Technically not KM era (probably) but just before say late 1920s-about 1934….Reichsmarine, are the MA (stylized and overlayed) done by the Marine Arsenal (maybe Marine Artillerie Arsenal) at Danzig or Kiel, I forgot which right now but associated with the OstSee command. Yes like many other...
  3. P

    Technical question regarding ZF39/42 scopes

    Yes you are correct and I was wrong. The question is still the same about centering the post at 100, but the direction of the movement as I increase elevation is 180 degrees opposite of my original statement. It still seems to make sense to me to have the post centered at 400 meters in order to...
  4. P

    Technical question regarding ZF39/42 scopes

    I am hoping that someone can help me with a technical question concerning the elevation post in the reticle of the ZF39/42 type scopes. I know that the elevation range on the 4x90 military used scopes ranged from 100 to 800 meters. My question is was the elevation post centered height wise when...
  5. P

    43’ Mauser High Turret Opinions

    Stamped upper and machined lower is very prevalent in later, say second half or last quarter of Mauser 1943, but both bands would be numbered. I’ve never heard of factory flat buttplate 98k in 1943. There could be legitimate circumstances for everything you describe but I don’t think it’s...
  6. P

    Zeiss prewar LT mount with more pictures

    I suspect that the scope and the markings date some years before its installation in that mount, which may have been very early like 1940ish. I would think that the scope and unit mark predate the mid 1930s at least a little bit.
  7. P

    M95M in the Norwegian SS

    There is also a series of photos published in the Munin Verlag book on Prinz Eugen showing these M95 rifles being used by the SS-PE division in training…..I assume in Austria or a neighboring country
  8. P

    Period Photos of German troops using a Reworked Wz.29 or a G29/40?

    Naval ground troops, possibly or probably coastal artillery or something related.
  9. P

    Are German uniforms like this really going for this much? "Original M36 Tunic, Mint $4,850"

    I don’t actually disagree with any of that. It’s a valid perspective. Mint is overused and I used “minty” understanding it was not actually mint but also acknowledge that minty is an overused cop-out designation. I also agree that $3000 is a more acceptable value but still suggest that this type...
  10. P

    Are German uniforms like this really going for this much? "Original M36 Tunic, Mint $4,850"

    As always the devil is in the details. Spend a couple of years searching dealer sites, collections and shows for an original minty EM, all factory sewn insignia, non modified (shortened, sewn down lower pockets..:etc) M36 tunic that is for sale and report back what you find. I’m betting the list...
  11. P

    Early low turret Mauser

    Vol 2 states shortened safety flags were introduced in the course of the h block 1943.
  12. P

    byf 42 snipers out there?

    I believe that what we might call comprehensive use school trained snipers equipped with 4X systems (and a few 6X) did not start coming into serious planning as part of German Heer doctrine until some time in later 1942 and essentially took 6-9 months to really get rolling…..:summer or early...
  13. P

    byf 42 snipers out there?

    Yes I was not intentionally suggesting just soviet capture 43 and 44 reworks as I have seen few if any ex turret or other configurations (a few ZF41) of ZF-39 ex snipers in all the posts or in the hundreds of 98k captures I looked at in racks back nearly 30 years ago. You point on looking at...
  14. P

    byf 42 snipers out there?

    Very good point as to why we don’t find 1943 (and I say 44) Soviet captures with traces of mounts. I personally don’t think 1943 dated snipers (and earlier of course) are that common in any configuration and are certainly a fraction compared to 44-45 dated rifles. My feeling based on my study of...
  15. P

    byf 42 snipers out there?

    The ZF-41 systems were made in very large quantities compared to the various ZF39 systems. I believe at some point in later 1943 or 1944 that the ZF41 configurations ceased being reported along with ZF39 rifles (I may well be wrong but to does not really matter) so I have long believed that the...
  16. P

    byf 42 snipers out there?

    I don’t know, I’m sure many collectors here have been building data lists on various configurations for many years and can offer their observations. As far as I can say LT configurations earlier than the summer of 1943 or exceeding rare to encounter in collections or references. I can also say...
  17. P

    Low Turret AJACK 4x90

    Thanks for the information and reminder about the Ajack early use on SSRs, I had temporarily forgotten that when I posted. I have seen those scoped rifles production and planned figures earlier and I have always considered them to be based on Zf-41 production either in large part or total. One...
  18. P

    Low Turret AJACK 4x90

    You are correct and it was misleading of me to make a stab as I have NO idea of the specific block. I do know it’s about 4000 below where scopes can be found to be used (Ajack) in September and October of 1943. For me early, say even first 3/4 of 1943 turret production is almost a black hole in...
  19. P

    Low Turret AJACK 4x90

    I can only echo what the others have said and I will add that I suspect that the scope was used originally at least on build from the early summer timeframe of 1943, perhaps a d or e block as just an educated guess. For me personally this scope would qualify as one of earliest Ajack turret mount...
  20. P

    SSDC dot 43?

    Very good and worthwhile discussion. It would have been nice to have had this level of interest say 30-40 years ago. Everyone says they collect because if the history (whatever that is supposed to mean) but really almost no one cares much about the history! I don’t doubt some friction between...