Third Party Press

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  1. Emilbusch

    Unnumbered 214 g43 mounts with numbers 0 or reverse 2 questions

    Hello everyone, maybe these mounts are part of a seizure by the French army, a bit like it was the case for the zf41 material which was seized by the French army with attempted reuse. The French army reused (or tried to do so) the material seized during the ww2. Another hypothesis about the...
  2. Emilbusch

    Legit ZF41 scope covers?

    Hi there. I pretty much agree with what has been said. This kind of protection is incompatible with the box which was already used as very effective protection.Moreover, no reference is made to such an accessory. This should have been mentioned in the manuals of the time. I don't think this is...
  3. Emilbusch

    Mauser advertising poster presentation

    Thank you for your answers. Glad you like this share. Indeed, period outfits are supported, sports shooting was a prestigious sport in those years.
  4. Emilbusch

    Mauser advertising poster presentation

    Hello, I present to you a original cardboard advertising poster, which presents a Mauser Ms350B. (I think the rifle ID is correct but I could be wrong) This poster must date from the 1930s. Information and opinions welcome 🙂
  5. Emilbusch

    Unnumbered 214 g43 mounts with numbers 0 or reverse 2 questions

    Bonjour, ces montures sont des marques de wa214, donc effectivement elles sont de fabrication ww2. ce chiffre pourrait être l'identification d'une ligne de production. le marquage ne semble ni frappé ni gravé, il semble extrudé (moulé). il sera possible que les montures ou identifiées comme...
  6. Emilbusch

    Reproduction ZF41 Scope and mount ?s

    Hello, given the price of zf41 reproductions, I think you will be better off buying an original zf41. choose there with a clearly visible crosshair and you won't be bothered no machining quality problem on an original scope.
  7. Emilbusch

    Reproduction ZF41 Scope and mount ?s

    Hello, the zf41 copies are not of very good quality as regards the precision of the machining. I have no experience of use, but I have experience of observing parts to have dismantled a few.for example: the objective turns in its objective holder to allow the adjustment of the telescope.on the...
  8. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    Thank you for this information. What block of letters does it come from? Is it a numbered wood? Are there WaA stamps? Thank you!
  9. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    hello, sorry for these first messages in French. I am using a realtime translator which prevented my first messages from being translated into English. It's corrected. Thank you for your comments. I thought the wood was a post-war copy to pass this rifle off as a kriegsmodell but I still have my...
  10. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    there is a letter "P" inside the butt
  11. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    The firing pin also has a WaA135 but no number
  12. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    MBarrel marking: 44 R 2 16 and WaA135
  13. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    Thank you for your review on this rifle
  14. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    The wood is not numbered. And there is no marking on the metal parts. The breech has the same number as the rifle.
  15. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    There is no WaA. There is just one WaA145 on the barrel, and another on the spring rod which holds the grenadier. The trigger guard is marked byf and svw.
  16. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    Here are more photos. The condition looks new. The tan is beautiful, no oxidation on the non-tanned parts. The barrel looks new.
  17. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    Thanks for these informations. Does that mean that this rifle went through a Yugoslav workshop? It does not have the modification in the wood for the French ramp. The butt is early - kriegsm type
  18. Emilbusch

    request identification marking on 98k svw mb

    I will send pictures of the whole weapon as soon as possible. But already, these markings make sense to someone? Thanks in advance.

Military Rifle Journal