Third Party Press

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  1. Slash

    MP44 magazine book

    Received my copy of "Teil Two" or perhaps it should be called THE StG44 Pouch Book in the mail today. Another great work, thanks to the author for documenting these rarities.
  2. Slash

    Help with Unknown Maker's Mark

    Tom Wittmann is offering an impressive Heavy Cavalry Degen (Kurassier Pallasch) on his web site with an unusual maker's mark to the ricasso. The blade is also etched with a distributor's name, M. Neumann Berlin > Hoflieferant which I am familiar with. Not sure of the other marking however...
  3. Slash

    opinions on this 1937 frog

    Eilers was a prolific producer of web and leather products. This pattern of frog (no retention strap and short center stitch to body) is of the type generally associated with those issued to the Luftwaffe. Many frogs of this pattern are observed with a Luftwaffe LBA stamp to the reverse...
  4. Slash

    Interesting Move-Werke Ks98

    Horn grip scales are encountered on these bayonets.
  5. Slash

    SGX on EPAY

    No offense @SVW1945 but a 44sgx is anything but rare. High collector demand, yes. Rare, no.
  6. Slash

    opinions on this 1937 frog

    Yes, there are frog examples that were made with the slotted body but without a strap ever being installed. The frog in the first two photos is not such a piece however. Instead, this was a normal slotted frog body that has had the original retention strap removed at some point. You can see...
  7. Slash

    Reichsbahn Narrow Blade Sells for 776.67US

    Not many W.T. reported out there but, Man. $900 time you add taxes and postage ...... It was a lot more fun when only a few of us knew about these!
  8. Slash

    Correct bayonet/frog for an AX 1940 K98

    1985 printing is the first edition. If you are going to put down some coin you are much better off waiting for the revised and expanded second edition (1998). My thoughts only ....
  9. Slash

    Split Code or Rework S/174 & S/176

    These are good thoughts. I am firmly of the opinion that the work is original to the period. Another thought would be that the pieces were originally part of their standard military contract production but diverted (for whatever reasons) for party or civil use. A behoerden example...
  10. Slash

    Split Code or Rework S/174 & S/176

    S/174 bayonet is WKC - S/176 scabbard is Paul Weyersberg. The 928 serial number stamping is not in a standard font on the bayonet or scabbard for either of these makers. The numbering is however similar to each other on both pieces. Indicative in my opinion of the numbering being stamped at...
  11. Slash

    Correct bayonet/frog for an AX 1940 K98

    Mike occasionally sells copies of his second edition book on ebay. You might keep an eye out for one there.
  12. Slash

    Editorial: "Blame it on the book"

    Well played Bruce. Never miss a good opportunity to keep your mouth shut.
  13. Slash


    On-Line Database: - The site about the RBNr.
  14. Slash

    rbl44 RG34

    As promised, here are the examples from my collection. They are "as found;" at least as found by me. Both have complete contents and show use/wear. The latches on both are the painted type. Kit #98 has a Type 3a simplified oil bottle while #106 has a Type 3b (fat spout) oiler. Both have...
  15. Slash

    rbl44 RG34

    I see no reason or evidence to suggest that the rbl44 kits were not assembled and issued prior to May 1945. They are dated 1944 when production of the rg34 in general was very high. The three letter codes beginning with r would have been issued in approximately November of 1944. The rbl44...
  16. Slash

    Bayo frog ID

    I think we are saying nearly the same thing, Andrej. Retention straps were added to standard frogs by the Germans. And they were even added to captured frogs. But not in this manner. As far as the aluminum stud (knob) on the strap it is clearly not Yugoslavian. It is German as stated in my...
  17. Slash

    Bayo frog ID

    It is a German retention strap but not added by the Germans. Completely wrong rivets and reinforcement patch to the reverse. Austrian frog with German strap added by Yugoslavia (probably post-war) in my opinion. Round hole for frog hanging hook could be German or Yugo modification. My...
  18. Slash

    Karabiner 98k Volume IV - Book Addendum

    Mike, Bruce and Stephan are hard at work on the final planned volume of the Karabiner 98k series. An addendum to the first three volumes with essential additions, clarifications and perhaps a few corrections. Starting this thread for thoughts and suggestions on what information or other...
  19. Slash

    fze phosphate bayonet?

    No examples of phosphate finish bayonets by F. W. Höller (code fze) are known. Phosphate is the most misused term in bayonet collecting. With the possible exception of "mint." My thoughts only .....

Military Rifle Journal