Third Party Press

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  1. Absolut

    Karabiner Book Addendum Announcement - Authorship Revision

    What about "Vol. IV - What we forgot in Vol. I, II and III" :)
  2. Absolut

    BCD 42 Receiver XXI 7557 Depot Build

    This thread made me wonder how many possibilities with Wehrkreis rifles are there/how many different Roman number prefixes are there?
  3. Absolut

    Karabiner Book Addendum Announcement - Authorship Revision

    Very pleased to hear of this as an official announcement now too. Looking forward to this upcoming book (any ideas on how the title will be as of now?) and I know I promised @Stephan98k pictures of a few more rifles for the publication. Also have a stash of a few hundred pages period documents...
  4. Absolut

    WW1 Oberndorf Gew 98 Sniper Rifle Research

    I noticed the rifle has German firing proofs. This interestingly indicates that these (former) sniper rifles are not exclusive to US, but ended up all over the world. BTW, just to have it mentioned: the fact that there is no Turkish half moon present on the receiver of these rifles indicates...
  5. Absolut

    Polish contract Walther PPK

    Pre98 sold one years ago for $ 6500 -> I'd appreciate a specific number for not living where you live and therefore not knowing what value you put on a "war time...
  6. Absolut

    Polish contract Walther PPK

    Would you mind telling how much the sale price was?
  7. Absolut

    Polish contract Walther PPK

    Nevertheless got the answer directly from Poland, just on display.
  8. Absolut

    Polish contract Walther PPK

    Thank you for this picture! Did he tell you whether this was "just a display", or if the guns in there are up for sale? Also, any chance that he can find out the serial of this PPK? I'd want to see how it compares to the other serials known.
  9. Absolut

    Steyr Hahn M1912 9mm Conversion

    The M1912 pistol was developed by Steyr and sold for export. It was not really intended to be introduced in KuK Army, but due to the war they seized the "to be exported" Romanian pistols (and the other rifles), for the lack of M1907 production by 1914 then changed over to the M1912 pistol. I...
  10. Absolut

    Steyr Hahn M1912 9mm Conversion

    There is no literature on this. Mötz and Schuy in their book also only quote the hearsay that the + series are "plant guards" and clearly name it as an assumption. Having discussed this in person with the authors and due to the fact that there are slide dates from basically as early as the...
  11. Absolut

    Steyr Hahn M1912 9mm Conversion

    You may have not seen them all, attached 1914 slide. I think I recall a 1916 one, but don't have pictures at hand. I would not be surprised to one day come across a 1917 too. Edit, here a 1917 slide date with + serial (unfortunately only mentioned in description, no picture of other side) ->...
  12. Absolut

    Steyr Hahn M1912 9mm Conversion

    The M1912 with the serial number followed by the + as suffix are (formerly) rejected parts that nevertheless got assembled in 1918. Note you can find them with different slide dates, the only uniform thing they have is the Wn18 acceptance as well as the +. Maybe you also refer to the pistols...
  13. Absolut

    Steyr Hahn M1912 9mm Conversion

    That is incorrect. For example long M95 rifles in 8x56R caliber converted in Austria to S caliber have the HV designation, yet they were all used exclusively by Police, but the conversion was outcarried by Military, therefore the HV stamp. The HV stamp therefore is a stamp when it was reworked.
  14. Absolut

    Steyr Hahn M1912 9mm Conversion

    That is a common misunderstanding. The HV stamps are overhaul/repair stamps, not acceptance stamps, as the Wn stamp was. You are correct though that post WWI a lot of pistols were purchased from dealers; the dealers purchased the M1912 pistols that were sent to Czech as war reparation and then...
  15. Absolut

    Rough Forged revision reprint

    Took me until right now to take note of your post. Are you aware there meanwhile is a book that covers MKb42 to MP45 magazines in every little detail that you can imagine? I had posted about it here:
  16. Absolut

    Rough Forged revision reprint

    No idea, I hope Darrin currently reads in here too and finds the time to answer this.
  17. Absolut

    Rough Forged revision reprint

    Darrin was kind enough to inform me the book is already at the printer. I'm looking forward to the updated version!
  18. Absolut

    K98k accessory from the trash can

    For comparison, that is my other L26 silencer:
  19. Absolut

    K98k accessory from the trash can

    A friend pulled this years ago from the trash bin at his local waste collection center when he brought some other stuff there, was sitting in a small cardboard box when he entered the metal container. Sometimes one has to wait a few years to get the stuff, but very happy to have it! It is...

Military Rifle Journal