Third Party Press

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  1. M

    S/42 1936 Worth the buy

    Stock finish Ok, thanks to mowzerluvr I got in the pieces i needed to get this rifle back to shape. Ive seen the post on duffle repairs which is what i'll do to this. I cant tell if this wood has been sanded on the stock or just cleaned. The waffenamts are dark and look like they've been...
  2. M

    Gunshow finds this weekend

  3. M

    Gunshow finds this weekend

    I'm curious what you got the M40 for.
  4. M

    S/42 1936 Worth the buy

    I bought it! Well I bought it! Looks like everything that is still with the gun matches. Please take a look at the pictures in the link and let me know your thoughts.
  5. M

    New entry : K98 BYF 41

    Wow! Awesome looking collection.
  6. M

    Bolt Mismatch List

    I guess i'll try this out too. Looking for BNZ 4 j block bolt or close. 9973 serial number. Also, have WWI bolt for trade. 4033
  7. M

    S/42 1936 Worth the buy

    Went and checked it out. The stock looks like it was duffle cut
  8. M

    S/42 1936 Worth the buy

    What did you think of this one moconfed? I'm sure you've seen it in our area.
  9. M

    S/42 1936 Worth the buy

    Whats included in the fore-end section?
  10. M

    S/42 1936 Worth the buy

    Looking at this s/42 that has been listed in my area for some time now. It was listed for way more than it was worth but might be a good value now. I would like to know some thought on this. All matching with whats there. Would it be worth a buy to put back to original? Thoughts on what a...
  11. M

    AWS bayonet mark

    Thanks Andy
  12. M

    AWS bayonet mark

    My alcoso Here is my commercial alcoso bayonet. It came with a cof 43 scabbard. No other markings on it. Assuming it is an early war piece as well?
  13. M

    First Post with the new bnz 4

    I would assume the floor plate has been replaced. It really doesn't fit that well and i can seem to get it off.
  14. M

    First Post with the new bnz 4

    Maybe this will work
  15. M

    First Post with the new bnz 4

    Well it looks like i need to resize to post more pictures.
  16. M

    First Post with the new bnz 4

    Hi guys. Wanted to see if i could get info or thoughts on the bnz I picked up last night. Really nice and shiny bore. Guy i bought it from said he bought it from a family whose grandfather mustve had it in his closet for 40 years. Who knows about that.

Military Rifle Journal