Third Party Press

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  1. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    Regards to the cutaway: There were no receiver marks or anything on it. It was marked Mod .98 if I recall, but that was it. Looked absolutely pristine though.
  2. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    So you’re telling me to get it? Only issue is the stock is a depot rework and a S/42 gas shield. Also, they do have a G33/40 there. Lol. I just got them mixed up.😅
  3. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    Not wrong either, but, from what I've seen so far all of it has been original or near original guns. Even the store told me they had no signs of "fakes," unless they were VERY well done.
  4. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    The collection was approximately worth $5 million USD. The family is keeping all of the bring-back NFA items and more, I was told several StG44s and other variations and so on were included. What is in the store on display currently is the start of the last 5% as I am told. There might be more...
  5. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    I'll head back in a bit to take more photos. I'll look at the other users there as well. Is there any value to the cut away? Thats why I am here. It's thrown me off, and I'm not a Mauser expert. So I appreciate any of the help I'd get. Expect more photos soon.
  6. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    Yep. Thats it. They're marketing it as a G33/40, but with a Steyr factory mark. The side of the receiver says G33/40 as well.
  7. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    Sorry for the double reply, but here are some of the pistols. 1917 Suhl is on the left that I was eyeing, but it's not matching. Not in the photo sadly. Theres a whole second case full of other communist blocs and other guns.
  8. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    I looked, at some good ones in good condition, but incredibly high pricing. All of it is being priced at the Insurance pricing. Also, have cool Tokarevs. M20 marked Chinese, to CCCP gripped Russians. 1917 Suhl Lugers to S/42s and more. And like 40 P38s. The G43/K43 I was would be sold for...
  9. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    If I get a chance, I'll try and go back down today to get more photos. It is matching numbers though. It's coming out of a big estate collection. Guy was a collector since the 1970/1980s. They showed me his matching G43/K43 sniper. Including original scope. I have like one photo from it on the...
  10. T1D.Operator

    Help: 1939 Factory 660 G33/40

    Hello, This is my first post on this forum. Mainly been lurking here and there. I came across a cool Mauser and I wanted to see what the experts of the k98k forum would think. I was not able to get any more photos, but I will say the Mauser is in very good condition. What threw me off is it's...

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