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  1. SAM S.C.S.

    byf 43 black paint

    Been doing a little more research and understand now that the butt plate was made by a subcontractor by the name of H.W.Schmidt, and the stamp inside is a Waffenampt inspection stamp, but I'd still like to know more about the number 147 on the stamp, like was it assigned to a particular factory...
  2. SAM S.C.S.

    byf 43 black paint

    3 26 43 stock date stamp My understanding of the number code under the butt plate is the 3 would be the day, 26 the week, and 43 the year. If my calculations are correct that would put the stock being made about mid July 1943. Would that be about right? William
  3. SAM S.C.S.

    byf 43 black paint

    Thanks for pointing that out. Is that a bad thing or is it normal to see one backward now and then?
  4. SAM S.C.S.

    byf 43 black paint

    byf 43 30609 e On the stock, under the butt plate is the numbers 3 26 43. The butt plate is marked on the inside with the number 147. Does that mean the butt plate was made by J.P. Sauer & Son Suhl? Also, is there any other known butt plates with this marking?
  5. SAM S.C.S.

    byf 43 black paint

    additional pics byf 43 30609 e
  6. SAM S.C.S.

    byf 43 black paint

    I've read where black paint means Russian capture, but all numbers are matching and I see no other signs of Russian capture other than the black paint. How does this happen? It belonged to a friends uncle that served in WWII. The stock has his uncles initials in it and he's not Russian. Did the...
  7. SAM S.C.S.

    Hello from North Carolina

    I picked up a byf43 k98 a few years ago from a friend and didn't know very much about this type of rifle until I found this forum and a few others. I was really hoping to find a byf43 serial number database that showed the existence of all known byf43 rifles but haven't had any luck. Anyway, its...
  8. SAM S.C.S.

    Mauser Oberndorf K98k Serial Studies and Data - 1934 to 1946

    byf 43 30690 e NIM All Matching Vet Bring Back S/N 30690 e Barrel: 42D244 Recoil lug installed backwards Stock: Walnut Buttplate: (brg) with WaA147 inspection stamped inside Original sling, Buckle marked D&C, Keeper marked xh 1943 No hood, No rod

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