DK Production MP44

Volkssturmgewehr for me too! For the folks that have taken delivery from the third batch, did you get a heads-up email notifying you of the beginning of construction of your rifle (sorry if I overlooked that elsewhere in the thread)? I signed on for the last available STG44 from batch 3, and am eagerly awaiting the news!
Volkssturmgewehr for me too! For the folks that have taken delivery from the third batch, did you get a heads-up email notifying you of the beginning of construction of your rifle (sorry if I overlooked that elsewhere in the thread)? I signed on for the last available STG44 from batch 3, and am eagerly awaiting the news!
The email comes with a notification your rifle's in production and a request to remit the remaining balance.
Thanks, P43! Hoping to get the notification soon, and VERY happy to see that D-K may be offering the Gustloff in the not-too-distant future.
It's worth mentioning that I originally recieved a different rifle which I wasn't entirely happy with soley due to cosmetic issues which couldn't be attributed to the standard manufacturing process.
I politely, albiet reluctantly, reached out to them after a few days with photos attached and they really went out of thier way to ensure I recieved a rifle I would be happy with. I only mention this to showcase thier genuine concern for the quality of thier product and the satisfaction of thier customers. You couldn't ask for better people to deal with.
Thanks, P43! Hoping to get the notification soon, and VERY happy to see that D-K may be offering the Gustloff in the not-too-distant future.
Mine took 43 days from being notified it was in production until I got the shipping notification.
New group photo, note the MKb42 H with MP44 lower receiver as well as dual magazine BD38
That MKb42 is looking amazing though I am a sucker for the dual tone StG as well as the plain jane blued MP44/StG44. Damn this state for banning such beautiful rifles.
THAT'S an eye-opener, CRH113! If Tor forwarded the link, perhaps D-K has accomplished what I've always assumed (in error, per the Gun Law video!) was impossible. And if the regulatory climate starts to change after completion of proposed governmental studies regarding our rights, we could be on the verge of some really fun times. Thanks for the video!
Also was sent this video about open bolt semi autos
I have a 1931 Marlin model 50, a Voere 2005, and had an Eagle carbine. All open bolt and had no issues buying or selling. They are available.
The sear on any of these open bolt guns can be defeated and produce automatic fire, which I do not recommend.
While not an outright ban, I doubt any new designs will pass a test for resistance to tampering. Most manufacturers realized this was a loosing proposition once the design type came under scrutiny.
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I have a 1931 Marlin model 50, a Voere 2005, and had an Eagle carbine. All open bolt and had no issues buying or selling. They are available.
The sear on any of these open bolt guns can be defeated and produce automatic fire, which I do not recommend.
While not an outright ban, I doubt any new designs will pass a test for resistance to tampering. Most manufacturers realized this was a loosing proposition once the design type came under scrutiny.

The early MAC 10 and 11 open bolts were easily converted to full auto. They are still in circulation and command a premium. Pending Tor's input, I would say the MKb42 is a closed bolt. I'm going to SoS and NGD this weekend and will enquire.
I ordered and received one of DK's BD38s. Shipping was fast. It was a beautifully made and finished gun. Unfortunately, the trigger was so stiff as to be difficult to use. My wife couldn't pull the trigger at all. The gun was also difficult and finicky to field strip and resemble. I sent the gun back to DK for refund, which was promptly and courteously made. So, my experience with DK was great, but not so much with the gun itself. My only reference to the gun pre-purchase was Ian shooting the open bolt semi-auto version in Malta. He gave a strong recommendation. My guess is that my gun had additional modifications making it shoot from a closed bolt for the US market. Again, my experience with DK was very positive.