T Gewehr value/price.

Good Morning,

I have been shooting my T-Gewehr for almost two years and use 50BMG cases. Originally, I had ordered OEM specification cases from RCC but they went Chapter 7. The specifications I use to modify my 50BMG cases are based on page 106 of the above cited Kern book. Randy

T-Gewehr Cartridge.jpg
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Good Morning,

I have been shooting my T-Gewehr for almost two years and use 50BMG cases. Originally, I had order OEM specification cases from RCC but they went Chapter 7. The specifications I use to modify my 50BMG cases are based on page 106 of the above cited Kern book. Randy

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How did you handle the semi-rim on the German cartridge?
If I could get OEM spec cases, then I would shoot them with much joy. That now seems impossible and I have worked up the 50BMG (rimless) to where I am at almost 100% first-pull ignition. Most shooters use the 50BMG with very careful reforming of the brass. I found that you got to get the headspace just right or NoGo. You also might get good extraction with the original extractor or need a bit of wiggling. Without that kind of reloading/reforming patience, I went another route.

If you follow my thread at Milsurps.com, you will see my journey with the T-Gewehr. Of note is page 8 where you see the bolt head and extractor modifications I had made to make my life MUCH easier. Take a look and fire away with questions. Glad to assist in any way I can. Randy

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Back on this topic I have another question and that is on the legal side. I see someone said they were reclassified and are not Destructive Devices is that correct? So are they simply C&R? I live in the great (and greatly restrictive) state of nj and wondering if there are any restrictions on this that I should be cautious of.
NJ has restrictions on 50BMG rifles. I do see an application for 50BMG online and most of us shooters us 50BMG cases. Checkout that application and you will probably need to call on this for clarification.

In California, the T-Gewehr is exempted on a couple of points (not a semi-auto, no detachable magazine, and does not fire the highly delineated/spec 50BMG round). Perhaps the most basic exemption is that the T-Gewehr is a Federal recognized C&R.

Seems like Jersey is tougher than California.

T-Gewehr CA Law.jpg
The C&R exemption is the last line (b) of text. I had to hunt this down and maybe Jersey has this too. Probably a longshot in Jersey.

Good Luck,
Good Afternoon,

The folks at 1moa.org (50BMG shooters) have listed a civilian range at Fort Dix:

Fort Dix Civilian Shooting Range
Bldg. 9060
14 range road
Fort Dix, NJ 08640
(609) 562-4676

They might have more information.

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