Quick AAR of my test fire,
Saturday, I did a 30 round break in to ensure function. I used the included DK mag and two original, As New mags from my collection after I cleaned the Cosmoline out of them and oiled them.
I initially loaded each mag with 10 rounds as this was a break-in, function fire of the rifle. From previous reviews I have read, most malfunctions people have experienced were in the first few rounds. So, I wanted to reduce the chance of magazine induced malfunctions due to fully loaded mags, which seems to plague MP44 users.
For my target, I used a 10” steel, swinging pistol target at 35 yards. I put the rear sight on 2 (200) to compensate for the short distance and get a battle sight zero. I used the DK magazine for the first string of fire. 10 rounds, ringing the plate slightly right of center with No malfunctions. This was followed by 10 rounds from the original blued mag with No malfunctions and finally with the original phosphate mag with 10 rounds with No malfunctions.
While this was only a 30 round function fire, I experienced no malfunctions from the DK, MP44. While I wasn’t trying for accuracy at this distance, I was pleased with the results. All the hits were in one, small grey smear of paint on the steel target. My next phase is to load magazines to capacity and incorporate my other, original (used) magazines into the rotation to see how the rifle performs.
Given the weight of the rifle and the 8mm Kurz cartridge, recoil is basically non-existent. This rifle is a pleasure to shoot.