Senior Member
This thread will be dedicated to everything related to the SS Double Claw Rifles and Objective Mount Rifles. Please post any pictures, threads, or links with your info here. Moderator please feel free to do whatever you want. Done to make anyones job of finding these easier. Wouldn't want to lose these.
SS Double Claw Rifles:
SS Double Claw SS BNZ Single Rune Serial Number 7547 with SS Double Claw Scopes 7524 and 8398
SS Double Claw SS BNZ Single Rune Rifle 6703 and SS Double Claw Scope 9325
SS Double Claw SSZZA4 Rifle Serial Number 8243
SS Double Claw BYF 26045D with SS Double Claw Scope 1442
SS Double Claw SSZZA4 Rifle Serial Number 1437
SS Double Claw BNZ SS Single Rune 4264 with SS Double Claw Scope 9518
SS Double Claw SS BNZ Single Rune Rifle 2702 and SS Double Claw Scope 8398
SS Double Claw Scopes:
No Serial Number SS Double Claw Scope
SS Double Claw Scope 17869C
SS Double Claw Scope 7219
SS Double Claw Scope 3814
SS Double Claw Scope 6258
Unknown Rifle Serial SS Scope
SS Double Claw Scope 15626D
SS Double Claw Scope 8062
SS Double Claw Scope 8398
SS Double Scope 8865C and SS Double Claw Scope 4890
SS Double Claw Scope 6135
Heer Objective Mount Rifles with Ajack
Heer Objective Mount Rifle
SS Objective Mount Rifles (Suhler Einhakmontage):
1939 BSW SS Objective Mount Rifle Serial Number 9990 with SS Objective Mount Scope 9729
1939 243 SS Objective Mount Rifle Serial Number 2698r with SS Objective Mount Scope 5304
SS Objective Mount Rifle 1915i
Unknown Serial Number Objective Mount Rifle
1939 Sauer SS Objective Mount Rifle 2591m and SS Objective Mount Scope 5384
Shortened Gewehr SS Objective Mount Rifle 1639b
SS Objective Mount Scopes:
SS Objective Mount Scope 9728
SS Objective Mount Scope 1392
SS Objective Mount Scope 7905
SS Double Claw Information:
SS ZZ A Markings and Double Claw Manufacture Location
DOW Reticle
DOW Reticle
This thread will be dedicated to everything related to the SS Double Claw Rifles and Objective Mount Rifles. Please post any pictures, threads, or links with your info here. Moderator please feel free to do whatever you want. Done to make anyones job of finding these easier. Wouldn't want to lose these.
SS Double Claw Rifles:
SS Double Claw SS BNZ Single Rune Serial Number 7547 with SS Double Claw Scopes 7524 and 8398

SS Single Rune SSZZA2 Double Claw Sniper 7547
I was able to obtain this rifle from the vets family. It is all matching and numbered according to a SS Single Rune rifle. Thanks for your interest.

SS Double Claw SS BNZ Single Rune Rifle 6703 and SS Double Claw Scope 9325

BNZ Single Rune SS Double Claw 6703
BNZ Single Rune SS Double Claw Sniper Rifle 6703 was just sold on Gunbroker. Seems over priced to me $12,525.00 plus tax and shipping. So, that means a matching one in this condition is now worth $25,000.00 plus tax and shipping. Maybe? I thought the condition was a little off as well. This...

SS Double Claw SSZZA4 Rifle Serial Number 8243

SS Double Claw Sniper
I picked this last year. Got it from a guy who didn't know what he had, so I practically stole it. But still took me 3 years salary to pay for it. This one is pictured in Volume II b (first picture is from the book). SS Double Claw built on a SSZZA4 depot rifle, hence why it has a flat butt...

Double Claw bnz 43 SS sniper, serial number 8243
Looked at today a double claw, dow scoped sniper today. It was brought back by a vet who was a member of 42nd Rainbow division, in Austria at the time. He was a member of a field artillery unit, and in the rear of the front firing artillery. They were stationed near a village , firing and...

SS Double Claw BYF 26045D with SS Double Claw Scope 1442

BYF SS Double Claw at Legacy
Here is a BYF SS Double Claw at Legacy. The stock looks cleaned and wrong I think. Marked with death head K like a SSZZA4 gun. Interesting at least. Hard to see markings in their photos. Didn't last long...

SS Double Claw SSZZA4 Rifle Serial Number 1437

Ss dbl claw sszza4 & sszza2
Not much for Excitement in this Section ,So I thought I would Post this and Maybe Liven things up a Bit . There are a Number of Photos 35 to be exact Hope All Enjoy these a little . Best Regards

SS Double Claw BNZ SS Single Rune 4264 with SS Double Claw Scope 9518

Two K98k Snipers with DOW+
When I bought my second K98k sniper rifle, the guy who sold it to me showed me two more K98k snipers which he had in his possession back then. He however also told me they were promised to someone else, and even with money I couldn't persue him to overthink this promise (so he was a real...

SS Double Claw SS BNZ Single Rune Rifle 2702 and SS Double Claw Scope 8398

Bnz43 Single Rune SS Double Claw 2702
Thanks to a good friend and fellow forum member I was able to get a scope for my new bnz43 coded SSDC. This rifle came out of an auction house in IL near the MO border. It is a matching (sans scope) bnz43 single rune SSZZA2 Double Claw with a Sauer diverted stock and Gusen bolt. After speaking...

SS Double Claw Scopes:
No Serial Number SS Double Claw Scope

SS Double Claw Scope
Saw this SS scope the other day. First time I have ever seen one without a rifle serial number. Sure enough, D. Roberts has seen others and Spielauer has two pictured in his book. My best guess is they are armorer's spare for making repairs and never fitted to a rifle. Late serial number with...

SS Double Claw Scope 17869C

Focal Adjustment SS Double Claw dow+
I know, it is just one of 5000 dow+ scopes that were delivered to the SS, but this one I had to have. It is my first dow+ which obviously was not on a SS contract bnz coded rifle. Not only the letter c suffix to the rifle serial confirms this, the serial even is five digit. My suspicion was that...

SS Double Claw Scope 7219

DOW+ with focal adjustment
Recently bought this DOW+ with focal adjustment. Since it originates from Croatia, nigromontanus should be correct in that it's a leftover from the SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen. It is a rather early scope with being the 459th produced, the scope rings are void of any markings. It...

SS Double Claw Scope 3814

Early DOW Objective Focus Scope Reticle Question
Has anyone ever seen this reticle on an early DOW scope with the objective focus? I've never even seen this retcle before and thought all the DOW scopes with the large center knurled elevation adjustment ring had the standard #1 German reticle but I'm not too familiar with the earlier model. The...

SS Double Claw Scope 6258

Dow zf39
Hi Gents, I'd have two questions for the experts: - can you please confirm this scope is original from WWII period? - as seen on many dow scopes apparently, the reticle is in very poor condition. I'd like to have it restored, but in Europe to avoid paying taxes back and forth to my...

Unknown Rifle Serial SS Scope

Dow +
Hello all, I'm new to this forum and have a question on a dow + scope. Does anyone know whether some of these scopes were produced with a fine cross hair reticle? I was under the impression only the 3-bar 'German' style reticle were on these scopes, but I found one with a cross hair. Just...

SS Double Claw Scope 15626D

Double Claw dow scope
Hello. I would like to introduce my new scope I got it today from one hunter He has used this scope for hunting still couple days ago. Have you ever seen suffix letter except C, D, F on tubes of these scopes? Note last pics. Another scope only 393 position of this BR Stan

SS Double Claw Scope 8062

Double claw (?)
... first ever seen around for sale : worth asking for other (better) pictures ? as ever, from the height of my incompetence, thanks in advance for the help..

SS Double Claw Scope 8398

SS Double Claw
Here is a really nice SS Double Claw Scope. I hope it is enjoyed by all. Nice close ups of the serial numbers and everything. I have not even wiped it off yet. Thanks goes to Dave and Brian for the help procuring it. All I have to do now is find a rifle it fits on. Best regards. Brian

SS Double Scope 8865C and SS Double Claw Scope 4890

SS Double Claw Spare Scopes 8865C, 8398, and 4890
A few Spare SS Double Claw Scopes here. 8865C is from a BYF or BCD. 8398 and 4890 is from a BNZ Single Rune or SSZZA4 most likely.

SS Double Claw Scope 6135

SS Double Claw Scope BNZ Rifle 6135
Pretty decent SS Double Claw Scope that has been sitting around for a while for a BNZ Rifle 6135. Scope serial A584.

Heer Objective Mount Rifles with Ajack
Heer Objective Mount Rifle

Double claw sniper
Took out the original catalogue, description in English reads as Noone ever mentioned a deaths head on the rifle, they only mention it on the scope. I stand corrected then , my memory can`t argue with the catalog . Here is another photo with the same type Sniper Rifle being used by the Sniper...

SS Objective Mount Rifles (Suhler Einhakmontage):
1939 BSW SS Objective Mount Rifle Serial Number 9990 with SS Objective Mount Scope 9729

As requested here are detailed Pics of my 1939 BSW Objective Mount Sniper Rifle .

1939 243 SS Objective Mount Rifle Serial Number 2698r with SS Objective Mount Scope 5304

Objective Mount Sniper Rifle .
I was able to get this Objective Mount Sniper Rifle from a Good Friend and fellow collector . The Base rifle is a 243/1939 from what Bruce has told me .

SS Objective Mount Rifle 1915i

Double claw sniper
This week I had the luck to purchase a K98 Double Claw sniper. Vet purchase , salty looking, bolt MM, flat buttplate and laminated stock, but it came with capture papers and bring home box, along with a 1935 dated Russian TOZ? 22 caliber rifle, also on the capture papers. The K98 came with a...

Unknown Serial Number Objective Mount Rifle

K98k with SEM Saddle mount ("objective mount")
First of all, the correct designation for what is often referred as "objective mount" is in fact a Suhler Claw Mount which originally is called "Suhler Einhak-Montage" in German, abbreviated as "SEM". There are various types of Claw Mounts, but the Suhler Einhak-Montage can be identified by the...

1939 Sauer SS Objective Mount Rifle 2591m and SS Objective Mount Scope 5384

What a beauty Dave. It’s hard for you to pick a favorite when you have so many incredible snipers. Surely it makes your top three? Did you get any interesting history with the rifle? Thank you for posting this and thank you for the help you have given me and so many others as well! MrB Yes I...

Shortened Gewehr SS Objective Mount Rifle 1639b

Shortened Gewehr SS Objective Mount 1639
Here is one of my most interesting purchases so far this year. An SS objective mount built using a shortened Gewehr 98. The bolt, gas shield, safety, cocking piece, bolt release, floorplate, and trigger guard are arc penciled matching with a quite crude scrubbing job done. The front band was...

SS Objective Mount Scopes:
SS Objective Mount Scope 9728

Scope Pics
A Few Interesting Pics of an Objective Mount DBL Claw Scope . This is the Scope on my BSW Objective Mount Sniper.The Rifle Number on Rear Ring is only a few Hundred Numbers lower than Rifle . Also if familar not with Scopes & Rings this was actually a reclaimed Scope as You can see by Crossed...

SS Objective Mount Scope 1392

SS DC (SEM) Dialytan
Thought it is time to show off with a nice find and give you an idea what to keep your eyes open for in 2016. As per regulation, NO range markings. Hensoldt marked container bears serial# of the scope. Enjoy.

SS Objective Mount Scope 7905

Suhler (Objective Mount) Dialytan 4x 58342
A big thanks to Dave Roberts for finding me this scope that now resides on my Sauer OM. Scope is a textbook Dialytan 4x in very good condition, no range markings on dial.

SS Double Claw Information:
SS ZZ A Markings and Double Claw Manufacture Location

SS-Zentralzeugamt epiphany
So I recently received a bit of information about SSZZA2 marked double claw rifles, specifically where they were inspected. The information did not line up with my original assumptions. I will say that previously I had information (second hand) that the SS M41 Panzerbusche rifle was made by...

DOW Reticle

Early DOW Objective Focus Scope Reticle Question
Has anyone ever seen this reticle on an early DOW scope with the objective focus? I've never even seen this retcle before and thought all the DOW scopes with the large center knurled elevation adjustment ring had the standard #1 German reticle but I'm not too familiar with the earlier model. The...

DOW Reticle

DOW ZF39 Scope Reticle
Can someone tell me if this reticle looks correct for a WWII DOW ZF39 scope? I have never seen one before with this type of bottom vertical reticle bar. Everything on else on the scope seems 100% correct so I have to imagine this is the original, factory installed reticle. Thanks, Eric

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