Rebuilding my Mauser K98k collection


Senior Member
From a high of 20, and a low of three just before my heart attack in January, I've started to slowly build up my collection on the "cheap." With more than 10 of the previous collection matching, I've now only have one - a '39 Sauer. Picked up an early '36 #9343 no-letter-block S/243 RC for example this RC replaces a bayonet-lug-only mismatch '39 Luftwaffe 243 I used to have. I now have 6 of 10 makes; needing Erma, dou, Steyr, and of course, bSw. Stripped it down and oiled it, cleaned the crud blocking the cleaning rod lug. The stock got a coat of Tung oil.

This S/243 looks nice with the a "correct" hardwood '37 dirty-bird e/63 stock, and early milled metal. It's going to be a loaner for my WW2 group. At least someone can carry it, but for now I am unable. We also have a new Milsurp Inspector rabbit - a 2 year old mini-lop rescue named Magnolia...we had to put down our 5 year old Palomino yesterday...lung cancer.

We had our two antiques at a car show today. My wife's Mustang tossed one of it's $150 21 spoke deluxe wire wheel covers on the highway. I managed to avoid it and by some miracle it passed through three lanes of traffic without getting squashed, ending up in the swale. I managed a very credible 40 yard dash (given my condition) twice to retrieve it.

Top to bottom:

'36 S/243 NLB RC
'39 147 i-block matched
'42 AR ZF-41 i-block RC
'42 bcd Depot XII NLB RC build
'43 byf NLB bolt MM
'44 DOT, a-block (Feb. '45) post war rebuild



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Very nice on all of those! Hopefully your health is okay now too, that’s the most important thing. :)

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I'm glad you're getting back into it

Getting good stuff on the cheap is its own reward separate but near equal to finding a mint matching rifle at market price. And now only place to go is up :)
You'll get there.

Had a relationship back in 09, basically I gave up ALL of my guns for this girl.. Well that ended and the guns were gone. Figuring I'd never have as nice a collection as I did then I gave up on firearms for a couple years. Met another girl(now my wife) who had no issues with me getting guns so baby steps forward, now the collection is a lot nicer than it was then.

I bring this up because even if you think "well I'll never get to where I was". You'd be surprised, just keep your will power and determination up and you'll get there. Already a great start.
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It’s nice to wish, but I’m a realist and am compromising. Life on disability is difficult; not only financial. We are just getting by at the moment. Just looking for 4 more RC Mausers, an ‘03 Colt and maybe one or two others. If I’m lucky I’ll slip a bolt MM into the mix. I am unable to shoot a rifle at the moment, but do shoot pistol and ride in my air conditioned ‘55 Pontiac.

At a car show right now. Pics of yesterday’s car show in post 1, also with my wife’s ‘67 Mustang. Have my ‘37 Colt Detective Special with me.



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I’m glad both of you are able to get back into something you love. Hobbies like this are like an old friend that you haven’t seen in a while. Once you get back together, it’s like no time passed at all and you jump right in.

Love the Colt!!

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My main carry pieces are a 1915 Colt .380, and a 1910 Colt .25; about 80% of the time. Others include a '39 PPk, a 1915 M14 Mauser, and the '37 Detective.



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I just noticed the for sale sign on one of your cars. Are you selling your 55 Pontiac? Don't know if I could let a nice classic gem like that go! That car really is a beauty.
My wife is selling her '67 Mustang...a 32,000 mile Arizona car. She is older than me, and it is too hard for her to get in and out of anymore. She'd rather be with me in one car, and the sale would help against the new kitchen and bath finished this spring. I prefer to drive my '55, so I made up that display board so I can advertise when I'm at a cruise or a show.

More car-candy...



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Absolutely beautiful and your wife have great taste :thumbsup:. Classic cars and mausers are top tier hobbies. That Pontiac is my favorite.

Also, lots of pretty bolt m/ms floating around lately at decent prices...Don't give up too early.
Sold both cars in ‘20. I had a fatal heart attack in ‘19 just after we moved to this house. Recovery, bills, house repairs, etc. I did get an original ‘38 Pontiac 8 that gas needed a lot of work.
Pics from phone are too big.
Glad your still kicken with us! Hopefully nothen but smooth sailing since 2019 for ya and going forward.
Sold both cars in ‘20. I had a fatal heart attack in ‘19 just after we moved to this house. Recovery, bills, house repairs, etc. I did get an original ‘38 Pontiac 8 that gas needed a lot of work.
Pics from phone are too big.
Oh my gosh, I hope you’re okay now!! Congrats on the Pontiac as well.
Couple pics. Real money pit to make it from local driver to a trip car. 1937 DeLuxe 8
I remember seeing your other cars when came to visit and drooling over them... But def love these older sedans more.

Had room for it id look for a 37 olds touring project
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