Recent content by Capt.Canuck

  1. Capt.Canuck


    Yes an English version would be a great idea.
  2. Capt.Canuck


    There are plans to do a full printing? If so, when will it be available for purchase?
  3. Capt.Canuck


    Couldn't find it on Amazon. :( From the screen captures above (in the original post) it looks as if the narrative is in German but some of the descriptions are in English. Would still be a useful reference book, and in a pinch I could always resort to Google-translate.
  4. Capt.Canuck


    Great, thank you. :thumbsup: Anyone have any idea where to find that book?
  5. Capt.Canuck


    Where is that source material from, and why have you watermarked it? Makes it very difficult to use.
  6. Capt.Canuck

    0pinions on the history of this 98k?

    Thank you for all of the feedback gentlemen. Archie, I couldn't find any evidence of numbering or markings of any kind on the outside of the stock.
  7. Capt.Canuck

    0pinions on the history of this 98k?

    I recently acquired this 98k and opinions I've received to date are (a) humped/hack job, (b) Czech post-war rework, or (c) late war BCD stock. Any further opinions or feedback would be greatly appreciated. TIA.