Absolut's latest activity

  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread 1926 dated Kar98b.
    I do think the Karab.98b on the side wall is original. Just as others stated, it may have been Yugo remarked, then that once again...
  • Absolut
    As a sniper collector you should drill some holes to the side wall and fit a LSR mount to it, to make it fitting to your collection ;)
  • Absolut
    Absolut reacted to mdarnell19's post in the thread Another SOS find. BCD45 all matching with Like Like.
    Here is another one I scooped up at the SOS this year. Got it from a guy walking around the show. He wasn't really up to date on prices...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Opinions about a BMJ.
    The former solder markings are even better visible in the first picture. Also that proud screw head on the three piece rainshield is...
    • bmj2.jpg
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Opinions about a BMJ.
    Thanks, now back home and look at my own scopes I can compare - you are correct that the bmj+ has that screw on top. And actually when...
    • bmj.jpg
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Opinions about a BMJ.
    Now that I have a computer screen .. did you notice the elevation markings are only up to 6? With original military bmj+ it should be up...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Opinions about a BMJ.
    Do not have any comparison pieces at hand right now, but it may be wrong. Note screw on top right behind front ring. If my memory serves...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Zeiss Zieldovier.
    I agree they are displaced in this sub forum, but why not. It is one of the most interesting threads for a long time. Really enjoy...
  • Absolut
    Absolut reacted to Mikegermany's post in the thread Zeiss Zieldovier with Like Like.
    I think you know why- in the early Zeiss brochures, the angled model (second from top) is recommended for mounting on Mauser rifles, the...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Zeiss Zieldovier.
    Attached my Zeiss G.Z. scopes. Top is Zeiss G.Z. No. 550 marked, second G.Z. No. 322, third, G.Z. III 2264, fourth G.Z. III 2286, bottom...
    • ZeissG.Z.jpg
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Belgian 1889/36 Sniper L227.
    That is another possibility. Did the Belgians introduce a new different load in 1930? And would a different load make such a difference...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Zeiss Zieldovier.
    There are the Zeiss G.Z. I, G.Z. II and G.Z. III scopes, which are all prismatic, and they are all commercial. These are the very first...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Belgian 1889/36 Sniper L227.
    Originally I didn't notice that your rifle is a 1889 action, meaning a Mauser Small Ring action. That is highly interesting and would...
    • GAND 30.jpg
    • GAND 89.jpg
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Sniper pictures.
    Are you sure it is K98k and not Gew98 length? Let me know once you got it, keen to learn more of it. And good to know it in a great home...
  • Absolut
    Absolut reacted to Dave Roberts's post in the thread Sniper pictures with Like Like.
    Its a PEM side mount on K98 rifle . I purchased the photo