Absolut's latest activity

  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Vis.
    Thanks for the detailed explanation! I would think that there must be more of them out there, but definitely not everone being aware of...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Vis.
    Hey @Northyuma what is the highest known serial number for a second J block VIS? This one being J0231 would suggest that at least 231 of...
  • Absolut
    $ 100 sent. Keep the forum alive!
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Sniper pictures.
    Taken from an eBay auction .. is it only me or does the scope look like a Soviet PEM on its side mount - and the rifle its mounted to...
    • ebay.jpg
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Zeiss Zieldovier.
    It isn't. Posted that very page above too. It is taken from the 1926 US Catalogue of Zeiss.
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Zeiss Zieldovier.
    For what I understood Zeiss gave him their period documents, but Vaughn will tell us.
  • Absolut
    … these are already fireformed for what I understood. Borrowed the rifle to him ;)
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Zeiss Zieldovier.
    Hey @vaughn99 there you go for pics. First comparison of all variable power Zeiss scopes, their markings, and then I also did a size...
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  • Absolut
    Fortunately I have a friend who loves ammo, so attached pictures of the first 6mm Mauser round he made for me, based on 6,5x57 cases!
    • da8bd3ec-ca28-4bea-975b-94da0f13ef33.jpeg
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Zeiss Zieldovier.
    I'm not sure what @hatrick originally paid for the scope when he got it. It doesn't need to be him who bought it on eBay when it was...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Any plans to reprint Vol III?.
    Holy crap that price is insane. Happy I got myself three sets of all volumes when they were still available. One for the office, one for...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Zeiss Zieldovier.
    It was listed here on the forum trader for $ 600: https://www.k98kforum.com/threads/sold-zeiss-zieldovier-scope.66225/ . The $ 600 IMHO...
  • Absolut
    Absolut replied to the thread Zeiss Zieldovier.
    It is a variable power scope of which Zeiss initially has had two models. For what I understood Zeiss produced all scopes in the same...
    • IMG_5499.jpeg
  • Absolut
    The documented Zielsechs LSR scopes I am aware of are all in the 76xxx serial range (and therefore would also consider 75xxx and 77xxx...
  • Absolut
    The two pins are not in a line, the front one is placed a bit more upwards (different to the base that Dave has showed in his post with...