BNZ single rune value


Senior Member
an old friend is downsizing and moving out of state. He is selling off his father’s gun collection. Years ago he asked me to help identify and value this collection. Among the rifles was a BNZ single rune k98. At the time I remember it being a very nice matching example. Today he offered to sell it to me. I want to be fair so what is the value range on these? I know it’s difficult without pictures but any guidance?
The price would be faily and ideally determined upon photos. Here’s why in my opinion. Even older collections have many “fakes”. SS single rune stuff is some of the most faked of all the k98k collectibles. Honestly, Himmler would be probably very proud of the huge amount of ss rifles that were supposedly manufactured by Mauser Oberndorf among others nowadays, lol. That BYF rune rifle recently on gunbroker comes vividly to mind.

My point is, huge difference between real vs fake rune bnz. As mentioned above by Jdt, variations bring different money as well. Condition, stock unmolested, etc… all play their parts in value.
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I agree…. Really need to see some decent photos first for a fair assessment. Awesome for you though if you can purchase it without having to compete with everyone
This, I dream of a day to find both a 43 and 44 single rune.
I’ll post some pictures when I get them. I am not unfamiliar with K98’s there is zero chance of fuckery on this one. Just want to be fair to the family. This rifle has been in this collection since the late 1940’s.
I’ll post some pictures when I get them. I am not unfamiliar with K98’s there is zero chance of fuckery on this one. Just want to be fair to the family. This rifle has been in this collection since the late 1940’s.

I don’t doubt your ability to assess the rifle. Single rune’s might be faked alot, but they’re pretty easy to authenticate.

Assuming there are no issues and the condition is good or better, then personally I’d say anywhere in the $3k-$4k zone would be pretty fair/market. I purchased a high condition matching example off GB back in 2023 for $3k. I’ve seen them go for more, and sometimes even less.
I don’t doubt your ability to assess the rifle. Single rune’s might be faked alot, but they’re pretty easy to authenticate.

Assuming there are no issues and the condition is good or better, then personally I’d say anywhere in the $3k-$4k zone would be pretty fair/market. I purchased a high condition matching example off GB back in 2023 for $3k. I’ve seen them go for more, and sometimes even less.
Your description of it sounds familiar, was it a large font 44 that was missing the buttplate?
No, for a complete Radom receiver bnz43, basically mint condition
Oh gotcha! That one was a double rune, me and another collector pal of mine were watching it. Was really skeptical of the side ways rune but when I seen later on here that Mr. Farb approved of it I was envious immediately 😂