Help With First Purchase


Hey folks,

I’m looking into buying this k98k from my local gun shop, and there are a few things about this that I was hoping some of y’all could answer before I commit to buying it.

First question:
Is this stock fake? I haven’t been able to find anything online with a takedown disc even remotely similar to this one. I don’t recall seeing a takedown hole in the butt-plate either. I also can’t help but notice that there is no opening at the end of the bolt handle - again couldn’t find anything online that is similar.

Second Question:
Since there aren’t any visible serial numbers (with exception to the number on the stock), what would you be willing to pay for this? I did have the opportunity to handle this exact gun, and I have to say the action is amazing compared to my Mosin (I know that’s a given).

I am genuinely interested in getting my hands on a k98k, so any guidance on this would be much appreciated!



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That's not a K98k, it's a Yugo M48. If you're looking for a 98k, I first suggest going some research on them, they are a minefield. At least get the basics. I also suggest looking here on the forum, in the trader section. Does your LGS have that labeled as a 98k?
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That's not a K98k, it's a Yugo M48. If you're looking for a 98k, I first suggest going some research on them, they are a minefield. At least get the basics. I also suggest looking here on the forum, in the trader section. Does your LGS have that labeled as a 98k?
They do have it advertised as a 98k! Thanks for the clarification on that.
That's not a K98k, it's a Yugo M48. If you're looking for a 98k, I first suggest going some research on them, they are a minefield. At least get the basics. I also suggest looking here on the forum, in the trader section. Does your LGS have that labeled as a 98k?
I’ve never seen an M48 with a marking disc like that in it… 🤔
Buying a K98 at a gun store is also usually a bad idea unless you really know what youre looking at. Most shop owners dont know anything (as exhibited here) and will overprice anything "Nazzzi" Related by a gross margin. Your best bet is to keep an eye out here in Classifieds from someone who has some history on the board to list something.
Love that "fruit juicer" in the butt stock! What some dream up is beyond laughable. Yeah much better to check the Trader Section here!