Thank you so much for the information, it seems that it will be very helpful. Yes, I am doing a sniper clone for target shooting purposes. Base rifle is a byf 42. I believe this early turret sniper would be aWTB section on this forum, some reputable dealers and sometimes Ebay (but there are many fakes).
I imagine that you are likely trying to restore a sniper or make a sniper clone. Decide on which type of sniper you want first (SSR, LSR, High Turret, Single Claw, etc.). Once you know what type of sniper you want, that will dictate what type of scope you are looking for and which codes would be appropriate.
The K98 books authored and published by the founders of this website are a great reference and so is the page (also a member of this forum). If you do a search on the type of sniper you want to build on this forum there will be good examples of legit rifles and fakes.
Thank you for the information Mike !It is interesting that there are list with manufacture dates belong to serial numbers. There was no system in the numbering at the Zeiss production, so every modell was numbered following manufacturing.
I have spend days in the Zeiss archive on the hunt for documents about civil / hunting scopes and found an lot of documents, also documents for military used Zeiss scopes.
But not one document that relates SN to manufacturing dates, also not in the documents that are already digitized. Its an kind of mystery that you often read about these lists in forums, but never see these.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I definitely want to do this project as a turret mount, and a ZF-39 would be the prime candidate for this. I'm aware that the ZF-39 is currently reproducedGenerally, if you want to make a clone, you want to make it as 'correct' as possible. Most snipers were only made by a single maker or a limited number of makers and only during specific years.
byf42 would be correct. There may be others...for example for an LSR only CE and BCD receivers would be correct and only during certain years of production. Take a read through each variation and figure out what might be correct for a byf42 and then you can move forward on selecting the platform you like best. Once you have the platform, that will determine the scope you need.