Volume II Printing Finished - Shipping Beginning Sept.30 "The family is complete!"

Received my books today and must say they are excellent and exceeded my expectations. Wouldn't be surprised if these sets in the future become collectables. Great work men!
Any ideas when the West Coast deliveries will be? I'm in Kalifornia, envious of all you guys who have received it!

I just checked, a few California orders are in the state and will probably be delivered tomorrow. In fact, I bet most of the pre-orders will be delivered tomorrow.
Home at last. Excellent A++

maybe next thread should be how book shelf looks like after...
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I arrived home from a long day and long week to the sight of a beautiful brown box leaning against the garage door. I forgot I had kids playing outside for a while!! Truly amazing books gents. Sincerest thanks for all of your hard work in putting all the volumes together.
Can't wait to see them show up on the European market...

We start shipping to European dealers next week, it's a long boat ride there but we have a lot of interest from various book dealers there.
Got mine today. Fantastic books. These are the best books ever written concerning a particular firearm! The amount of information covered is unbelievable. Great job Mike and Bruce!
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BOO! Just popped my head in for first time this year I think lol. Work, relocation...no time :)

Yeah, just ordered my set too. I want a personal butt-print from Mike on mine, serial 69 :p

Anyway, back to work and lurk...
The last package arrived today, the first arrived last Thursday. Thanks for all the work that went into these 4 books . They have a special place on my book shelf.
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The last package arrived today, the first arrived last Thursday. Thanks for all the work that went into these 4 books . They have a special place on my book shelf.

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk

No brochure from Mitchell's ?? Good set up.
Mine arrived today, have the full set now. Thank you just doesn't seem enough to say. Absolute top shelf job by Mike and Bruce. Now I need a real book case. My cheap one I've had since the 70's has the shelf bowing in the middle from the weight... ** Also, being a BSW nut, I camped out on Volume 1's Chapter on them. I got Vol's 1 and 2 today. Had vol. 3 already. I read the BsW section 4 times. Thinking on invading Russia to find that guy with the 36 BsW, trade him some American cigarettes or something.
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I'm happy you guys are enjoying them, Bruce and I are enjoying your comments on the books. :thumbsup:
I received my copy Saturday and I am beyond happy with the content.Thank you both for your hard work in this endeavor. i am now complete with all four volumes.
Bret Stewart
I should also say to your wifes a special thanks , i know that they must have sacrificed quite a bit for the sake of these books.
I should also say to your wifes a special thanks , i know that they must have sacrificed quite a bit for the sake of these books.

I asked Mike that very question at the forum gathering this year. He told us he would lock himself in his computer room too work on the book and usually could not be disturbed!