Third Party Press

ZIP scope question


ZF39 scope question

Hello members
I have a question in relation to sighting in a Zeiss Zielvier scope.
From the information sourced from various books, it seems that you use the locking lever on scope mount in conjuction with the dial on the top of the scope.
I'm still finding this a tad confusing as I'm having great difficulties in sighting in my ZF39 Mauser.
Any help would be much appreciated.
sorry about the thread title. Darn auto correct, I can't change it. If any mods can correct please feel free.
Last edited:
Hello members
I have a question in relation to sighting in a Zeiss Zielvier scope.
From the information sourced from various books, it seems that you use the locking lever on scope mount in conjuction with the dial on the top of the scope.
I'm still finding this a tad confusing as I'm having great difficulties in sighting in my ZF39 Mauser.
Any help would be much appreciated.
sorry about the thread title. Darn auto correct, I can't change it. If any mods can correct please feel free.

Locking levers lock the upper mount to the lower mount (does not adjust windage). The dial on top of the scope adjusts elevation. You do not indicate the type of mount, which makes answering your question difficult.

Locking levers lock the upper mount to the lower mount (does not adjust windage). The dial on top of the scope adjusts elevation. You do not indicate the type of mount, which makes answering your question difficult.


thank you for the reply. Sorry I completely forgot to add the mount. I have the scope mounted via a low turret base.
Thank you once again.
thank you for the reply. Sorry I completely forgot to add the mount. I have the scope mounted via a low turret base.
Thank you once again.

Low turret has opposing screws on the upper mount (just above the locking lever). Move the scope in the direction you want the point of impact to go (move scope left to shift POI left). It can be tricky to get dead-on. Wind and different ammunition will require you to visually compensate for aiming. Not a great target competition set-up, but not bad for hunting. Some might consider sniping closer to hunting.

Military Rifle Journal